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-I would like to put in a quick note that I hope you all read. I have another Brendon X Reader idea that is very different from this story and I'm really interested in doing. I'm wondering if any of you would be interested. This means I'll probably start a schedule for updating trying to balance the two since I've never really one that before. I'm really excited to start this work if you all are interested. 

-also i don't know who to credit for the photos used in the story on this chapter. 






-Brendon's POV-

             I bury my hands into the tight fitting pockets of my leather pants as the sound of my combat boots dig into the wet, crunching leaves. It's almost silent this night, though only with the sounds of my steps and Petes light, anxious breaths beside me. For what to me is unknown.

"Pete, how long have we been friends?" I ask lowly, my voice twinged with slight dominance to hold my place in this moment.

"999 years Brendon. Since you were born if I remember correctly," Pete mumbles out as if he's said a million times to me, in which he probably has. 

"Yes and what did you do when I was born?" I inquire, knowing of the answer I'm going to receive as I've received it millions of times before. 

"I swore an oath to serve you and protect you till with eternal death, as did everyone in the kingdom might I remind you."

I look over to the shorter guy beside me, my best friend who has been with me through everything, "That's right and best friends we have been ever since. You've been my protector and family Pete. My father sometimes even when I needed a guide and I still feel that way. I hope you know that. You must know why I have asked you to this meeting tonight."

           I bring my eyes from him and stare up straight into the sky. It's dark and gloomy for a night. Usually the sky resembles black ink with specks of snow, though tonight the clouds lie a dark grey, pushing out the image of the great moon. It's a sign in itself of my mood. Conflicted and deep in the sea.

"I believe I do know," He bites his lip nervously, his hands fumbling with the chains hanging off of his jeans. 

"You and (Y/N) have been getting close I see. Very close.." I mutter out in spite slightly, hating the fact that she trusts him more than me.

"I believe we have I guess," The sound of him swallowing a thick gulp runs through my head as I see his adams apple bob.

I dig my eyes into the mess of black hair on his skull, "Yeah. I want you to help me. She doesn't trust me Pete. She hates me and it's been wrecking my brain for the past month. I try so hard to make her comfortable, she hates me. I then leave her alone to maybe help her and she still hates me. You don't think I hear her thoughts at night when I'm going to sleep beside her? It's always, 'I can't believe I'm stuck here with this horrible creature.' 'I need to get out and away from him.' 'I swear I'm going to kill myself if I'm stuck another day with him.'" Repeating the words from her thoughts makes me cringe up inside. It hurts immensely and I wish she could understand that what I feel is real and that this isn't a made up thing. Though how do you convince someone who utterly hates you, that you would kill yourself for them if that is what they truly wanted.

Pete stares at me with wide blown, dark, hazel eyes as if he's shocked of what comes from my mouth. He opens his own to say something, but he doesn't fully place the words together to do so, "Brendon..."

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