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-So I did the Wattys thing? I have no idea what it is, but it said was eligable. So there's that.

I want to throughly apologize for the heavy delay to getting this out. It is way too late and I could say that I've been busy resting and stuff and that's true, but all in all I've been lazy and I'm so sorry. You deserve better. Here's the shitty chapter we all expected.


Glad i got your attention! So I put all the names you suggested in a row and looked at them all and narrowed it down to MOST LIKED OR SAID and what I liked the most. Sorry. There's 7 for each sex. Boy and Girl.

This is how I'm doing it to get what names get to move on:

- You have to pick 2 of your favorites from each sex 

- Say which one you like more by awarding it 1st place and 2nd place.

- If you are SUPER PRESSED on two names you love, put it in the same spot of 1st or 2nd.


or else your children will have fucked names. THANKS!

Here are the NAMES

Malachi (Boy)

Evangeline (Girl)

Calpurnia (Girl)

Charlie (Girl and Boy)

Dimitri (Boy)

James (boy)

Sarah (Girl)

Finn (Boy)

Mikayla (Girl)

Jonathan (Boy)

Oliver (Boy)

Avalynn (Girl)

Willow (Girl




Don't let me go now.


       "Y/N! Dad's home!" a childish cry calls out into the air, of your younger brother Ryan who trots right by you and down the hallway of your home, careful not to slip on the hardwood floors as he's done many times prior.

             You regard that words of your brother and follow over his loud, echoing footsteps in your home, a smile plastered across your face. You dash down the stairs behind him, almost tripping over your feet slightly and into the kitchen, with checkered tile floors and off-white walls, decorated with various decorative plates and small paintings resembling the small aspects of your small farm life.

             In the small corner, lies your little cat, named Buttons for the slight black spots running down his white stomach, resembling a little vest. Ryan had picked him out years ago when he was just four and you eight. He desired the kitten and your mother finally agreed after a long battle with your father about getting another pet. But that didn't matter as Ryan kept up with him, even though his young age prohibited him from small tasks such as cleaning the litter box, which you unhappily took care of for him.

              You push the thoughts out of your mind and turn the corner into the living room at lightning fast speed, the air within your house almost following you through like a wind tunnel, until you straight face plant into your father's chest, who happened to be the extra wall you didn't know about within your house.

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