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-Hello Everyone, 

I would thoroughly like to apologize for the long wait. I believe you need an explanation before you get into the chapter. It's been a month and now I feel as if I've lost many of you since I haven't updated. It sucks, I know. Here's what's happened. I was in my school's play! I had to put a lot of time into that and that really took up two weeks of my time. Then in the mist of that, I had homecoming and also I got a boyfriend! Which is probably really stupid to most of you of why it took up time. But it did due to the fact that for once I'm actually feeling happy and being able to do things with my friends since myself isn't holding me back from it. I feel that now that I'm more happy, I don't have to occupy my time with other things to keep my mind from happiness. That doesn't mean I'm saying this is something I'm going to drop or something that makes me sad. I love writing and I specifically love writing this. 

Thank you so much for the support and 500 likes and over 10k reads!!!



Help me.


                   Your heart pounds as you stare at the crippled being before you. Brendon had never seemed so weak before you, even when he had fought his hardest against himself and all that he was. You had never seen him cower to your feet and grab out at you as if you were the everlasting love that he strove for. The water in the blistering hot desert, the sun to the clouded skies. He needed you now, he relied on you. Not his own power that he constantly used against you in such a way that made him seem dominant.

                  In cases he still was. In your head, you feel like getting on your knees beside him and giving into it all, but you know for the better of him, you shouldn't. It wouldn't be fair to him or to you if you just gave into the brokenness consuming him.

"You can't choose like this. You proclaimed to me that I was yours and I gave into that Brendon. Though I am not going to play this little fucking game that you have on in your head," you hiss out to him, your words laced with a shield.

                 He only nods softly, staring down at his hands which are clutching your legs with a shaking grasp. The chill of them freezes your legs through thick jean material. They shake as if he's really cold himself. You swallow thickly staring down at him, not wanting to be so impassive, but it's thoroughly needed.

"I can't... You're right. You always are... Just help me figure this all out please. I-I'm scared," His eyes send pleading whimpers through his irises and you can see the tension around his Adam's apple where he's obviously struggling to breathe correctly. 

"Ok.. ok.. We can figure this out Brendon. Please just breathe."

          He nods softly to you, before pulling himself up from your feet and back to an eye level with you, but staring down at you as he always does. His hand slowly creeps to your face as he cups it into his freezing palm that send shivers up and down your skin. It all seems so familiar and so in you. He uses this movement on you that make you melt into him when a fire bursts through you, even if he does feel as if he is an ice sculpture. 

"I love you... I swear you're mine. I swear, I swear," He mumble it out into your hair as his lips meet the top of your head.  

"I know."

            It's all you can say as the words tumble out. You're not sure what to say anymore. Everything is just too complicated. All you wish is for simplicity. A world without Brendon's mood swings, a world without the constant fear that they all strike into you, a world without the sorrow and stress of who you're supposed to be and who you are. 

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