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-Thank you all so much for 300 likes. Means the fucking world and I'm serious. To be truthful I haven't written more than 5 chapters in a book in 2 years. I had hit a very bad depression and literally ended my own dream. Some days I'm still like that, but I wish for you not to be me. Please keep striving and working hard on what you love. I wish I could take back those 2 years I wasted.



The fairies know better.


                   Another month had passed since you and Brendon has come to your "agreement" thing, leading you into half a year that you've been away from the real world and your family. You have no idea if they even remember you by what Brendon had said a long time ago of wiping their memories. You hadn't even thought about them as well in such a long time and you hate to admit it. How could you be so selfish and not even remember them half the time?

                     You want a way to know if they are alright and happy at least, even if they don't remember you. Convincing Brendon of letting you see them or even get a glimpse of them would be terror to go through. Seemingly whenever you bring it up, he gets a little defensive over what he's done and it makes you think of the worst. Though by this time you know Brendon would never do anything to truly hurt you, but only to protect you from upcoming harm.

The good reason of why he has never let you out of the haven.

                   Your eyes flicker to the black door in the back of the library, the faded wood screaming out to you in come way. You have never gone up to it or even asked about it to Gerard, Pete, or even Brendon. It is a factor that you always know will be unknown.

"Doll," Brendon's voice snaps you from your trance on the door and brings your eyes to his soft ones.

"Hey Brenny boo," you tease lightly at him, making him glare at you, but then you lean up to give him a soft kiss on the cheek, which his glare changes completely into a smile instead.

"What are you thinking about darling? You've been staring at the door for a while now," he leans down into your ear, speaking softly, to sneakily give you a soft kiss back on your lower cheek at the end of your jaw.

"I'm thinking about my family Brendon... also about what is behind the door, but mostly my family. You've told me somewhat about yours... you pretty much know about mine to an extent. I just wonder about them... What you did to them?"

Brendon sighs heavily and pulls away fully from your form, staring you down with stressed eyes, "Well... I told you I would wipe their minds... I didn't. I just.. I mean I went to find them a week after you came and they were grieving over your death immensely. It was so hard to watch them cry over something that I had and so desperately wanted as well. So I let them believe you were dead and I went to a group of fairies that I know and I wished for them to heal their hearts just a little for you. I'm so sorry..."

                        You stare at him in disbelief. You thought he would've just ripped you away from them fully or let them have crushed hearts forever as he laughed and watched them suffer. Though he kept a high head when it came to something that you loved... love.

"Fairies? So would they know where my family is since I can't go out and see them? I've read about them and apparently they're like wish granters and also they can see where things are if you want to find them. Do you think... I could ask them?" You bite your lip, looking up at him which his face is contorted in thought, not really liking the idea.

"Y/N, you have to know that fairies are fucking vicious. They will maul you apart if they don't get what they want. They are equally as greedy as the people who go to them to get what they want. I could easily ask the guys to go find your mother and siblings, but it would put them all in danger..."

Wicked | Brendon Urie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now