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-BTW I am so sorry this chapter is so short. I really didn't mean for it to be but just a quick note, Dom Bren is coming back. It was always the plan, didn't know where, but now that you're comfortable in your space. Imma rip it away ;) Enjoy-

-Also 3 updates in one week. So um, I think I'm doing well.-




                   Brendon dashes across the courtyard, the bushes flying behind him in a gust of wind, the leaves all throwing up from the ground of a falls beginning. He pants heavily as he runs, not having done this type in a long while since he's been trying to slow down for you. The wind knocks back his hair and he chokes on the whipping wind. His heart pounds out his chest as he feel the waves of the borders reaching up quicker and quicker.

                   The set of trees that signal the end of the border loom ahead, their leaves taunting Brendon of a sudden loss that may or may not come by the orange and brown death disease creeping up the sides and into the greenery that once was. Your body speeds ahead, directed toward the entrance that Brendon had once shown you so you don't cross when you explore the property.

"Y/N!!" He cries out into the air desperately as he dives forward, grasping you into his arms at full speed, shielding you in a cocoon as he stumbles and sends himself into a rolling barrel down the broken dirt path, stone jabbing into his sides and leaves surely ripping away at his white shirt.

                The pulsing barrier human his ear as he approaches it and his body stops full at the very edge, making him let out a heavy breath that he didn't know he was holding. In his arms, you shake brokenly, body convulsing as you sob into his chest, tears burning down your face. Your hands press to Brendon's chest as you try to push away, delirious in your own sadness.

"B-Brendon please... you have to let me go. I have to save my brother... p-please," you stare up at him with welled eyes, the brackets threatening to break in your eyes.

                Part of him shatters as he stares at you, so broken down in his arms, this time from not his own means, but one of a different level, "I-I can't. I'll loose you too. I can't loose you. I've only just got you... Fuck don't leave me.."

                   Brendon's eyes resemble your own as you stare up into them and you shakily reach up to his face, cupping the slightly scratchy face of his stubble and bring him forward slowly, capturing you lips within his in just a slow moment, "You aren't going to loose me. If you love me, let me go. I need to do this."

                  You pull away, your hand not leaving his as you press your forehead to his, nuzzling into his space, before giving his plump lips one last kiss before pulling away fully. His eyes search yours in slight shock at the fact of what you just did, it sending him into a trance, wanting to just fixate on the warmth of your own lips on his.

                     You stand up from the ground, brushing the dirt off your black jeans, taking a deep breath before you step over the threshold of the Vampire's haven. It's as if a new world has been thrown over you. The air seems thicker and more real than it had. A hit of nostalgia slams into you thickly as you stare ahead, the trees looming over reminding you of the last time you were in the real world. You heart thumps again, as if it was for the first time, your grave stone seemingly wishing you back.

"I'm coming with you," You hear from behind you, making you whip around quickly.

                   Brendon stands behind you, his body out of the safety that he once cherished. A small smile escapes you lips and you softly nod, holding out your hand to him, which he easily fits his larger, calloused hands into it.

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