Chapter 1

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Chapter One

It all began on July 9th in the year 2068, a few days before my seventy sixth birthday. That evening, I instinctively knew when I woke up that it was going to be a bad night since I was thirsty, I was sore, it was earlier than usual, and the three put together made me irritable.

Never a good combination.

Like always, though, I got up, showered, got dressed, blow-dried my hair, and spent a good ten minutes examining my roots to make sure none of my natural russet brown was showing through... you know, basically killing as much time as possible to avoid the inevitable.

I still found myself creeped out by my reflection from time to time, though.

Not because I was ugly or creepy or anything, but because my face hadn't changed a bit, even after fifty years.... big blue eyes with long eyelashes set in a much-too-pale face, a small, snubbed nose, high cheekbones, and soft pink cupid's bow lips that hid gnashing dagger-like incisors. My hair was waist-length, carefully groomed, and dyed a very pale shade of blonde.

I'm not one of those people who'll pretend to be oblivious to my appearance, especially since I've always put a decent amount of effort into maintaining it, but see, the things is... I'm pretty.

Not handsome.

If I had been born as a girl I likely would have been considered really hot... but since I'm a guy, a gay guy to boot, I've never really known where I've fallen looks-wise in accordance to the LGBT community, and I've always felt a little insecure about that. I mean, most guys - gay or otherwise - tended to get put off once they found out I was one hundred percent male and not actually a girl.

I ran a hand through my hair with a sigh and turned away from the mirror, flicking the lights off as I padded through my messy bedroom and into my living area, checking my cellphone for any new updates on the digital book apps I perused from time to time.

My apartment was small and dark, and considering I'd slowly but surely accumulated a bit of wealth over the last fifty seven years I could have afforded to buy myself an actual house, but doing so would have involved paperwork, social interaction, and a government inspection.

In this day and age, houses were extraordinarily expensive, and paying cash upfront would have raised too many questions. One of my biggest concerns was that if anyone actually decided to look into my identity, they'd discover how old I was and figure out that I wasn't normal.

That's why I've lived where I've lived for so long without getting caught.

Still, even though I occasionally wished I lived someplace a little more open and spacious, my home was beautifully and stylishly decorated. The living room and the kitchen were basically squashed together in one big rectangle about twenty feet long and fourteen feet wide, and they were separated into 'rooms' by the way I'd placed my green suede couch and matching love seat, and better yet, I'd decked it out with the most modern technological appliances to date.

I had a seventy inch flat screen with a variety of gaming consoles ranging from my PlayStation systems to the new holographic consoles and immersive simulations that could literally connect a person's nerve system to an online digital realm of their choosing.

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