Chapter 117

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Author's note: I'm finally back to decent health. For those of you who've been worrying, I'm doing better. Also, this chapter is officially the longest in the book, but... there's a reason. I intended to do chapters as a day by day thing because a lot of what I intend to write later on won't make half as much sense without what's already been written.

Also, good news!

When the book is eventually finished, I'll go back at give each chapter a title so people can search what they're looking for specifically a little bit easier. Some people left comments asking questions about what events took place in what part of the story, so I'd like to make it easy for everyone to find those things.

Enjoy the chapter, my lovelies! Look forward to the next!


Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

The nights I spent working on Sebastian's jacket were painless, effortless.

After all the drama that had been happening recently, I was actually surprised that everyone was getting along. Diana, Cassidy, Horst, and occasionally Tiffany, Kyle, and even Leo once he came around helped me with the project, with a few inputs from the other wolves who stepped in.

I'd initially been worried about Leo's broken neck, but when he'd come to and had started walking around on the second night after Richard had decked him, he'd seemed more pissed than in pain. I'd kept my eye on him, not having the courage to ask how he was doing, and simply focused on watching over Jak and Horst, who'd been doing a lot of careful talking.

It was nothing serious or heavy, mostly just tentative conversations and hesitant physical contact on Jak's end, such as things like awkward one-armed hugs or the occasional head-pat. It wasn't much, but each interaction put Horst over the moon and I knew Jak could see it no matter how hard the moody teen tried to hide it.

On the fourth day, Cassidy and Diana had given me the option to choose between one of the six fabric models we'd all designed for the jacket we were making for Sebastian. After heavy debate and looking at all of them side by side, I settled on the second creation I'd made since it was the most similar in style to his old jacket. I felt like it would frame his body the same way without taking away from his overall clothing preference. Plus, it definitely looked greaser-related.

The nights after that were chaotic since making a leather jacket was extremely difficult.

First, we had to iron the hides before stitching to make sure things would be in order, and then we had to be extremely careful while puncturing the leather. According to both Cassidy and Diana, once a hole was there, it was there to stay and couldn't be fixed.

Each night was a blur of cutting, ironing, stitching, restitching, careful movements, and plenty of banter since pretty much everyone in the pack came to help us after the seventh day due to how slow it was going and how far behind we were. Even the weird Meyer wolf brothers spent a night in the room, watching us and making the occasional wisecrack on my height or klutziness. I was beginning to think the two of them didn't really like me, but nothing could ruin my emotional high.

The nights were quirky and fun and easy and just felt so right that they instantly became the highlights of my week. Not because things were going well, but because everyone was interacting with me and treating me... well, the same. Like I belonged. I was included in the banter, I was teased and allowed to tease back, and it felt great.

The time I spent throwing my all into making the gift was a shield that protected me against the demons that frustratingly still lurked in the shadows of my mind. Sebastian being gone, the looming party in Italy, the freakish nightmares I'd been having, the weird invisible stalker.

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