Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

The racket was annoying. 

I pulled my pillow over my head to drown out the thuds and thumps and bangs and rustles coming from my living room, vainly trying to fall back asleep even though I had already been woken up around thirteen times so far, but I knew deep down that it wasn't going to happen.

Mr. Evil, as I'd come to think of him, was doing a damn good job of preventing that.

I sighed in exasperation and looked at my phone through bleary eyes, mortified to realize it was still only three in the afternoon. 

"What the hell is he doing?" I whined, rolling over in bed and covering my ears. "God damn it..."

There was silence from the other room after I said it. It was so abrupt that I drifted off without even realizing it, settling back into the soft touches of sleep only to be jerked out of it yet again by a particularly loud bang, right outside my bedroom.

"Oh, my fucking GOD!" I cried, finally sitting up and throwing my pillow at the door. "Are you serious, asshole?! I'm trying to sleep here!"

I rubbed my eyes, grumbling to myself, but received no response other than another large thud.

What the fuck is he doing? I wondered, grumpily kicking my covers off and sliding out of bed. I went to sleep at like five in the morning last night, which means it's been noisy for around six full hours now... is he pacing around like a lunatic or something? 

Curious to find the answer, I opened my door and sleepily poked my head out, but was shocked to see a fuck ton of boxes in every corner of the room. I shook my head, blinking rapidly to clear my vision, but sure enough they were very real, I most certainly wasn't seeing shit. 

I leaned out and looked to the left, hair sliding over my shoulders, but let out a cry of horror and shock when I saw that my kitchen had been completely destroyed. 

"What the hell?!" I cried, running out into the living room and clutching at my hair. "What the hell happened?! My kitchen! My wall! Where's the fucking wall?! WHAT THE HELL?!"

I started shaking, horrified, since the entire wall separating my apartment from the empty one beside it had been torn down. The beautiful cabinets that had lined the walls since my late teens were gone, as were my electric stove and fridge, it was literally just an ugly gaping maw.

There were more boxes in what used to be the adjoining apartment, and a variety of things like power tools lay scattered on the dull wooden floors amidst flakes of plaster and paint. The wall where the door on the second apartment used to be had been removed as well, leaving a hole I could see through, and worst of all, leaving my apartment completely open.

I would have passed out from the shock running through me if Mr. Evil himself hadn't ducked his way through the front door with another two boxes in his arms. He stopped and glared daggers at me, but the moment I saw him I felt a wave of rage sweep through me.

"You!" I spat, eyes growing wide with fury. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HOME?!"

"Renovations," he sneered, curling his lip at me. "I own this complex now, and since I'm staying here for the time being, I'm turning these two particular apartments into a single large one. Stay out of my way and well away from the workers unless you want me to snap your neck." 

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