Chapter 97

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Author's note: finally doing a bit better. I get released from the hospital tomorrow, but I have to go in next week and the week after that, and after that for frequent checkups. It's been one hell of a few weeks for me, but I'm slowly getting well again, thank god. 

Hope you enjoy this chapter.


Chapter Ninety Seven 

"Wait, so... you two literally mated after only a few weeks of knowing each other?" Horst spluttered, ears sticking straight out as he stared Woody down. "Why is it that the people in your group have it so easy when it comes to permanent life choices?!"

Woody merely grinned and paused the intense fighting game they were playing in the big-ass arcade room Sebastian had somehow managed to turn his entire house's basement into so he could raise his left hand off of the PSXL7 controller.

'When you live to be hundreds of years old, and nobody you meet clicks with you in the way you are searching for, you end up feeling extremely lonely,' he signed, and I sighed before translating his words out loud, ignoring the way Horst latched onto my every word. 'Tiffany and I have only known each other for a little while, but there was an immediate connection to her on my end.'

"A connection?" Horst asked, fluffy tail flopping around as he leaned forward to set his own controller down. "Fuck, man. Sounds like you got some sappy romance novel shit going on."

Woody simply chuckled silently, shoulders quaking as he grinned to himself.

"Well, if the sappy romance stuff doesn't work, how about food?" I proffered, and both guys stared at me in surprise; I shrugged. "They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right? I mean, Sebastian and everyone else made me food that I could taste and my world turned around completely. It was also around then that I think I started falling."

Horst snorted and Woody raised an eyebrow. 

"So he used food to draw you in?" the kid asked me, and I cringed. "That's a little... uh..."  

"Yeah, yeah, it sounds bad now that I think about it," I admitted, shrugging, "but hey, it worked. Tasting food was an experience I thought was gone forever... he gave me something extremely precious and even taught me a little bit about how my body works in the process."

"You still don't know how your own body works?" Horst asked, startled. "Seriously?"

"How could I?" I easily countered, and he gawked. "There's no guide on how to be a vampire, and until Sebastian came along I didn't even know that beings like you guys existed. I thought I was a fluke, or maybe a freak of nature... I didn't understand why I was the way I was. All I knew was that I occasionally needed blood to survive, so I focused on that and ignored the rest."

"Okay, fair," he drawled, glancing at Woody's wide grin, "but still... food?"

"Does it really bother you?" 

Horst wrinkled his nose. "No."

"Then yes, food! Besides, he's been wonderful recently and he's also extremely good at... uh, a-adult... stuff." I trailed off for a second, then quickly said, "um, let's change the topic."

"Oh, no, do tell," Horst hummed, smirking at me when I flushed. "I'm intrigued."

"You're a minor, and... no," I deadpanned, folding my arms. "Let's move on."

"Shame," a female voice chimed, and all three of us whipped around to see Tiffany leaning against the stairs with a huge smile. "It was cute watching you three bond. I think its totes awesome that you're so different but can sit back and relax together. Such a guy scene."

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