Chapter 100

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Author's note/warning: there's very, very minor sexual activity written in this chapter, as well as descriptions of physical intimacy and the aftermath of lovemaking between two partners. Read at your own discretion. 


Chapter One Hundred

It was his weight that I think I was beginning to love the most... the feeling of his body against mine, interlocked and tangled together in a spiral of heat that was putting me into a state of bliss.

I truly loved it.

I hummed softly in time with his slow, even breathing as I lay beneath him in the grass, arms still wrapped around his neck and stroking his soft fur as I gazed up at the stars through the swaying tree branches. The world was cold, but I was warmer than warm after the last two hours of wild, uncontrolled lovemaking we'd just experienced together. I was so high off of the afterglow that I barely had enough presence to think or feel anything but bliss and delight and contentment.

Sebastian's head lay pillowed against my chest, dark eyes glazed and staring off into space.

His muzzle was open slightly, showing off his sharp teeth as he panted from the earlier exertion he'd put himself through, ears occasionally swiveling to and fro. His skull was massive like this, but I stroked his soft ears and gently petted my way across the unusual shape of his head.

I presumed he was either listening to me sing or listening to my heartbeat.

Time was at a standstill for the two of us.

I love him, I whispered silently, smiling outwardly in delight as I gently crooned out a soft melody that had no name or lyrics. God, I love him... 

Being in love, for me, was like falling into a pool of everlasting liquid warmth.

I shifted slightly beneath him and didn't bat an eyelash when I felt an intense twinge in my rear, followed by extreme wetness. I cringed and saw his ear flick, nose twitching; a low, human-like series of rumbles left his mouth as he laughed at the situation happening between my legs. 

I rolled my eyes to ward off my embarrassment and caressed his muzzle, watching those eyes of his flick to look at me. Lovely dark made my heart swell and I smiled despite myself, stroking him behind his soft ears once again before cupping his muzzle with both hands.

Even the one in the splint.

I studied his beast-like features intensely, memorizing every line of his snout, of his extremely wide nose, of the dog-like lips covering his razor-sharp teeth, and the soft chocolate fur that curled wildly around his facial features yet remained straight almost everywhere else.

I looked at his tail, the big bushy thing that swayed gently as he looked at me, wagging his pleasure and contentment in a somewhat lazy-looking fashion.

"You make my heart feel big," I told him, and he blinked. "When I'm with you, when you look at me, when you say the things you do and show me proof through your behavior that I'm truly yours, I just... my heart... it makes me feel like I feel when I'm singing for people. I'm happy."

His dark eyes glinted and with a crunch, his body finally began to shift again. I was immediately rendered breathless as I watched his body shrink, tendons and muscles and sinew contorting as his bones rearranged themselves. His beastly features snap-crackle-popped away and his normal face began to form, grinding itself back into the lines I knew and loved.

His chocolate brown coat shrank into skin, seeming to melt away from my entire body. 

Soft fur was replaced with the sensation of burning flesh covered in what felt like sweat and... sexual fluids. Two minutes later, his transformation finished with a final crunch of a bone snapping into place and he shook himself off before unexpectedly parting my legs with his knees and forcing me to lie beneath him spread-eagle. I swallowed hard when he bumped our noses together.

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