Chapter 188

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Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Eight

The air was so full of tension you could cut it with a butter knife.

The room was completely silent despite how many people were inside it. There were eight werewolves in total who had come to get Miss Clifford back. All of them had healed up while they'd been unconscious, including the two that had tried to jump Richard.

Kyle had taken over watching the kids down in the sealed gymnasium, so he and Leo were the only ones standing guard by the door. Feng-Feng, on the other hand, was seated directly behind me with an arm around Renee, who was quiet as a mouse and visibly shaken up.

Sebastian simply watched over me from the corner, watched me pace back and forth in front of the glaring, angry, pissed men and women sitting before me. None, however, looked more ready to get up and kill than their alpha, who was stiff as a washboard and eyeing me with bloodlust.

I finally stopped pacing, coming out of my own head, and looked at him.

"I honestly don't know what to say," I finally said, ignoring the growls and curses they threw at me in favor of folding my arms. "Not only did you attack us unwarranted, you threatened a bunch of children in order to get your way. If we were human, you'd be going to prison."

"Well, we aren't human!" one of the women, who looked old enough and grey enough to be a cookie-baking grandmother, yapped at me, grey curls and wrinkled jowls shaking as she worried her hands over her white and green old lady dress. She turned away from me and glared at Sebastian, who was looming in silence with a wriggling jaw. "What do you intend to do with us?"

She addressed him with the rough demand, but he--much to my surprise--nodded at me.

"The decision's on him," he rumbled, glaring with an eerie smile. 

"You'd let a vampire make decisions for you?!" an elderly Hispanic man wearing overalls without anything beneath it demanded. "Really?"

"You're lucky I am, actually," Sebastian said in the coldest voice I'd ever heard, "because if I had my way I'd have killed every single one of you the moment you entered my home without permission. Aerin is the most merciful person in my pack... at most you'll get a slap on the wrist."

Everyone seemed a little pale after hearing that, but Michael simply sneered and glared at Renee, who flinched into Feng-Feng's comforting arm.

"You okay, la," I heard the dragon woman murmur. "Think of good happy, yes?"

She made a noncommittal sound but otherwise stayed silent. 

"First we need to settle the biggest issue," I finally said, rubbing the rough plaster of my cast. "I don't like the way you've all been mistreating omegas. We're gonna change that--"

"Who the fuck are you to question the way I do things?!" Michael snarled, and I swore I saw Richard tense, fists bunching up. "I can treat omegas however the fuck I w--"

"We'll never let you see or interact with her ever again if you don't agree to change," I coldly interrupted, and he snapped his mouth shut, eyes going blank. "I mean that. Omegas aren't slaves, they aren't your fucking tools, and they sure as fuck aren't kitchen mongers."

"Damn fuckin' right we ain't," Richard spit, and I felt amusement settle through me when a few heads turned to look at him, blanching at the sight of his knuckles being cracked. "We're just as much wolf as any of you stupid fucks, only we heal faster, run faster, and jump higher. Sure we get tired quicker since our abilities are, in fact, weaker... but we're not to be messed with."

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