Chapter 193

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Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Three

I awoke to the feeling of being jostled, ever so gently. 

It wasn't a particularly sharp movement but it disturbed me from my sleep nonetheless. I attempted to curl up instinctively but something hot was restricting my ability to do so. I let out a groaning complaint as the world shifted, moving me out of my comfortable position.

"Stop..." I mumbled through a gummy fog, wriggling a little as I was moved into a different position against a gloriously hot chest with my legs spread. Heavy hands came beneath my butt and gently pushed me up, so far that my chin came to rest on a cloth-covered shoulder. 

"Be still, Sunshine," Sebastian murmured comfortingly into my ear. I was tempted to open my eyes but decided against it when he gently maneuvered my arms around his neck beneath his shirt and bounced me into a more comfortably position before letting me rest against him.

With a single fluid motion, he rose and I swayed with his movements, lulled.

"Whuzappenin'?" I hoarsely croaked, nuzzling his neck as soft yellow light lit up my eyelids in abstract shades of pale red. "Babe, why are we getting up? What time is it?"

"It's past sunset. Just sleep, Beloved," he murmured, carrying me downstairs. I heard voices behind us but they were low so I couldn't really understand what was being said. I snuggled him, deciding to take his word for it and try to keep on sleeping.

At least until I heard a door open and the cold hit me. 

My eyes popped open wide and I blinked blearily at the open front door, looking at the warmth of the house as we left it and its soft yellow lights behind, walking across the huge porch and down the stairs until Sebastian's boots crunched on the gravel.

Leo and, to my surprise, Jun followed us outside.

I was a little confused about what was happening until I remembered that I had an appointment with Doctor Einstein. I braced myself, prepared to feel Bash begin his whole wild-man running and jumping process, but instead of doing so he simply kept walking down the driveway at a normal pace. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, trying to soak up his heat as I studied Leo and Jun talking with each other about twenty paces away. 

My view of them shifted as Sebastian turned to cut between two of many massive and symmetrically panted trees lining the path to his house. I stared at the dead trees devoid of leaves through the filter of my lashes, eyes half-lidded and sleepy, marveling at the snow.

Everything was glittery with frost.

"What are we doing?" I rasped when he stopped just long enough to snag something; a click and a thud followed the movement, and then to my absolute surprise he was carrying me into the same black RV he'd first used to transport me from my apartment in Michigan to his home. I looked around as he shut the door and moved into the plush interior of the amazing vehicle. "Baby--"

"Shhh," he shushed, and to my shock he turned around and carefully sat down on the bed, making sure my legs were no longer wrapped around his hips before lying flat and scooting across the dusty covers so I had room to move. I pulled back just enough to stare when he jerked the covers up and over the two of us, suffusing me with immediate heat. 

He looked at me after getting settled in himself, hands going up beneath his own shirt as well as my own so he could hold my waist and stroke my skin with his burning thumbs. I blinked a few times, trying to get my bearings and figure out why we were taking the RV instead of running.

"Where are we going?" I quietly asked. "Why aren't we running?"

He his face took on an uncharacteristically soft expression.

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