Chapter 75

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Chapter Seventy Five

"Are you truly feeling better?"

The words ruptured my daze and I blinked, looking away from the living room television screen and pulling my squished face from where it was being cradled in the crook of his underarm. I turned to look up at him, still basking in the knee-shaking afterglow of his actions, and smiled at him with a nod.

We'd been sitting here together watching first gen Disney movies for the last hour or so, but I hadn't felt so much as a twinge of pain where before I'd been completely unable to move.

I stretched my legs out, then spread them widely and tentatively wriggled and felt not even a single bit of pain.

"I'm fine," I sighed, grinning up at him in a way I knew looked goofy; I lay down and pillowed my head in his lap, cuddling his thigh and staring up at him dreamily. He refused to break eye contact with me and I didn't look away from him. He was so handsome, but more than that he was also an unexpected pro at being... well, intimate.

I admit, his earlier antics had taken me by such surprise that they'd sent me reeling into a state of blissed-out shock.

A heavy hand stroked my hair, warming my scalp as he rumbled, "I was expecting you to dislike it... I never fathomed it would actually get you o--"

"And I never thought I'd go down on you," I quickly interrupted, face flaming when he raised an eyebrow; he shifted his leg and smugly readjusted himself in response, jeans brushing against my cheek. "Bash... you and I, this thing we have... a lot of it is actually really new to me."

He tilted his head. "I doubt that."

"Its true. You've actually given me three firsts already," I quietly admitted, grinning when his eyes snapped open wide. "Showering together, then treating my butt like an actual snack, and then... me... doing that..."

He tensed, I could feel his muscles harden, but I meant it, until him I'd never--

"You never experienced any of those things with your ex?" he demanded, interrupting my thoughts by furrowing his brows. "Not even showering together? Or giving him oral pleasure? Or being eaten out?"

My ears burned at the bluntness.

"He wasn't into it," I admitted, breaking eye contact and looking down. "Traditional sex was the only thing that ever happened between us, and I never topped even though I preferred it. I would have given him anything he wanted... but he rarely even wanted to have sex with me, so I never pushed it. Like I said, he didn't really find me physically attractive so it wasn't often that we became intimate."

His hand instantly slid through my hair and sent tingles through my nerves, those large fingers running across my scalp; my eyes momentarily snapped shut as I basked in the feeling, shivering slightly under the physical attention and affection he was giving me. My heart swelled with emotion, light and bubbly, and I sighed in delight.

"Your ex was an even bigger fool than I was when I first met you," he said quietly; I jumped when I felt his free thumb unexpectedly brush my lips before coming to rest on my chin. "Even when I was trying to find reasons to hate you... I was fighting the urge to take you. Your scent, your body, your personality, your behavior, and all those fucking expressions... those eyes...."

His right hand balled into a fist in my hair, gently keeping me still. His left slid to my throat, nails ghosting down along the length of my jugular before trailing across my shoulder, right to the mark he'd given me.

My skin prickled when the heat of his palm covered it, pressing down lightly.

"You are so attractive," he purred, "that it used to drive me insane. I believe I mentioned this before, but the night I first saw you naked... when you went skinny dipping in the river near your home... I followed you with every intention of killing you. I was going to shoot you... but you literally took my breath away."

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