Chapter 144

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four

Everyone heard me crying. 

Most of them had already grabbed their things and had been ready to come back in when I'd started bawling in Horst's arms, but because they'd somehow smelled that I'd needed a good cry to get most of the bottled pain out of my system, they'd waited--listening and waiting uncomfortably in different areas of the house until I finished sobbing.

It wasn't until after I finally felt okay enough to pull away and thank Horst for letting me vent to him that everyone started to come back into the Comfort Zone. 

Tiffany, predictably, came in first with an extreme amount of cheer and a bubbly attitude, a tactic she always seemed to employ whenever the people she loved were very upset. It was the only way she knew how to make them feel better... being cheerful, that is. 

It was annoying, but admittedly effective.

After that, the others had followed, each of them holding high-quality computers and headsets with microphones. Jak, to my actual surprise, was among them in his pajamas: he was dressed in a pair of striped blue-and-white cotton slacks and a plain white tank top.

In his arms were two laptops and an identical pair of earbuds

"You guys are really gonna play?" I asked, amazed. "You're getting in on Atlas Chronicles?"

"It is a good form of communication and recreation, mon," he snorted. "Why not?" 

As he'd spoken he'd settled down outside the artificial cave, plugging both of the computers into one of many outlets scattered all around the room; similarly, everyone else either made themselves comfortable with me and Horst or snuggled down in a cozy corner of the room. 

Ten minutes after that, the kid left my side and started setting himself up with Jak amidst the sound of clacking keyboards and murmurings about digitally purchasing the game with all of the extensive DLC content--all of which I already owned since I'm extra as fuck with my gaming.

Finally, Woody and Sebastian came into the room holding bags stuffed full of my belongings.

I barely moved even when the latter caught my attention.

"Red is going to put your stuff up in my room," he called as he approached, and I glanced beyond him at the redhead, who smiled at me before vanishing back into the hall. "I, however, am going to help you connect your PlayStation to the television and make some rounds to be sure everyone has what they need to start gaming with you and I on a regular basis."

"Okay," I said, and Sebastian looked at me, suddenly seeming very weary and sad. 

"Aerin... I love you," he said a little hesitantly, and I frowned at the wet glaze in his eyes. "I am... here... if you ever need to talk, or... or let things out. No matter what sort of... situation... I am going through, I promise that I am strong enough for you to tell me about your own... personal... problems. So, please... don't keep things from me. Don't try to hide how you're feeling, ever."

I'd already known everyone had clearly heard my meltdown but I still flushed and looked away from his eyes, embarrassed and guilty and ashamed.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, fiddling with my hands. "I just... I feel like I need to be strong for you right now... because of what you went through, and... well, I didn't want to... break down when I wasn't sure if you were actually... okay, you know?"

"What?" he asked, scowling like a demon. "You are the one who saved me, Aerin. You're strong enough as you are. You've said it time and time again that showing emotion doesn't make you weak so what the hell are you trying to say? Why are you holding things back from me?"

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