Chapter 40

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Chapter Forty

It was time, the moment had finally come, but I wasn't ready, not at all, and I silently cursed myself over and over and over again as I stood on the gravel driveway leading up to Sebastian's home. I couldn't take a single step forward.

It had been four days since the attack.

Four long, agonizing days, and I still wasn't doing much better with my head, but I was standing there because I'd personally asked Woody to take me back to Sebastian's. He'd carried me back, bridal style, faster than I would have ever thought humanly possible, and had then set me down.

Right on the driveway.

Don't ask me how he knew where to go, I have no fucking clue.

Even so, I'd been standing frozen in that spot for ten minutes already, shaking violently, which did little for my headache, and he was watching me, visibly unsettled by my lack of action. The moon hung in a sky full of stars, washing the landscape in silver light.

Warm air rushed noisily through the trees; I could hear crickets chirping and night animals.

A shiver ran through me.

"I don't think I can do this," I whispered, nervously rubbing the sleeves of my dirty lilac sweater, fingers twitchy, shoulders tense. "Maybe I should just leave my stuff here."

Woody instantly shook his head and signed, 'No. We're going in, and once we do you're going to tell them that you're coming to stay with me, as well as why. Then, we're getting your things. What that she-wolf did to you was fucked and nobody can blame you for wanting to leave.'

He had a fair point. I took a deep breath in, and then let it out, combing my fingers through my snarled blonde hair and pushing it out of my face.

"Here's hoping I don't get murdered," I muttered, starting off down the path towards the huge, beautiful plantation house. "Come on, Woody. Let's get this over with."

He was right behind me, which was a comfort.

A small one, of course, but still... a comfort.

I don't know what I expected to find when I made it to the front door, but it definitely wasn't the sight of a gaping maw with the door itself busted to splinters. I felt the blood drain from my face as I found myself peering into the dark entry hallway; a chill ran down my spine.

"There's nothing to knock on," I whispered, glancing at him to see that he seemed just as disturbed by the sight of the front doors as I felt. "Do you think they might have been... killed?"

Woody's face went slack, but he immediately and viciously gestured, 'there's no way that would ever happen. Sebastian is the oldest and strongest werewolf on the entire continent! Plus, he's fought actual wars by himself and pulled through! He's definitely alive."

"What about the others?" I asked, poking my head into the hallway; every single light was off, and the air smelled a little musty, and...


Oh, no.

My hackles rose and I inhaled, eyes bugging; headache forgotten, transgressions forgotten, even Woody forgotten, I hummed deep in the back of my throat and tore into the house, hair blasting back as I sprinted through the halls and up the stairs towards the familiar smell of blood.

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