Chapter 165

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Five

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" Leo literally roared, leaning down close to me with a bright red face warped by absolute fury, eyes shining bright yellow. "WHAT THE FUCK POSSESSED YOU TO LEAVE THE HOUSE WITH EVERYTHING GOING ON?! YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER TEXTING US TO LET US KNOW WHAT YOU WERE INTENDING TO DO! WE'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU!"

I stood there with my arms shaking, full of heavy bags, staring at him with an apologetic demeanor. I didn't really know how to respond since A, I was stunned, and B, the last thing I'd been expecting upon walking through the front doors with a Thanksgiving feast was yelling.

I took a deep breath and let it out. He had a good point and was channeling his worry through a fit of anger, but he didn't have the right to scream at me since I had, in fact, taken precautions... although, I probably should have informed everyone else that I was leaving. 

I'd forgotten to do that, which made this whole situation my fuck-up.

"Sorry for leaving without telling you, but we needed groceries," I said, hobbling forward and smacking my face against his chest. He stiffened when I nuzzled his shirt and leaned into him, giving him an awkward hug without the use of my arms. 

"What are you doing?" he asked, quiet and confused. "Are you... nuzzling me?"

"Yep," I chirped, looking up at him with a grin; I smiled from ear to ear, chin resting on his abdomen, staring straight into his startled eyes. "I feel bad for making you worry so I'm giving you an awkward Aerin-hug since my arms are a little preoccupied."

He stared at me, blinking rapidly, then glanced up as Horst and Jak came in with their arms full as well, followed by the twins, who were also laden with groceries. He stared at them as they walked past without so much as bothering to see what was going on.

I assumed it was because they'd already heard the argument.

Werewolves and their hearing and all.

Leo sighed, eyes slowly dimming down to a normal amber as he calmed himself, and then going darker as he wrapped his arms around my back and rubbed it, holding me against him. I admit I was surprised by the open gesture of affection, and even moreso when he rubbed my hair.

"What am I gonna do with you?" he muttered, mussing it up. "Du bist so ein Ärger."

"What?" I asked, startled. "Was that German?"

"Yes," he confirmed, pulling back; after a long, flat-faced look at me he bent down and abruptly snagged most of the bags out of my hands before lumbering off. "Come on. Let's go, Schnucki."

"Uh, what did you just call me?" 

"Don't worry about it," Leo snorted, shaking his head as he led the way to the kitchen. "Come, let's just get the food put away... and while we do so, tell me what possessed you to get so much of it."

"Thanksgiving," I promptly told him, and he paused, actually giving me a look of surprise. "I'm going to be cooking a huge yummy feast for everyone with Jak, the Nereid twins, Horst, and anyone else who's willing to lend us a helping hand."

"Why?" he asked, turning a bit more with a suspicious stare. "We had plans to go out to eat."

"Home cooked food is better," I pointed out, grinning widely when he blinked at me. "Plus, I don't think going out to eat is such a good idea with Sebastian being like he is since my human family is actually coming for Thanksgiving... and I'm gonna need help not scaring them off."

Leo scowled and stomped forward, shaking his head. "I should have expected as much. I actually overheard some of your conversation with that girl. You gave her our address. You should have asked before doing so since this is our home, too."

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