Chapter 28

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Chapter Twenty Eight

I was drunk and exhausted by the time we left Moonies and the mall. 

I don't remember much of what happened after the photo booth, because really, I was sloshed and could barely stand on my feet. I do remember that Sebastian led me outside by the arm, and I remember everyone finally piling into the waiting cab, and the heat of his hand on my wrist.

Once I was settled in, though, his arm came around the back of my neck, and the heat of his body on my cheek lulled me. I leaned into the softness of his side and drifted into oblivion. I was so tired that I didn't even notice when the cab finally stopped moving. 

I jumped a little when someone tapped on the glass from the outside; Tiffany was peering in at me like a bug in a display case, and to my surprise, Kyle and Leo were outside, too; waiting for me to get out, I suppose, but I didn't really care since I was incredibly warm and comfortable. 

A quick glance to my other side revealed that I was snuggled up against Sebastian. 

He was regarding me with a single yellow eye, face stonier than an angry statue's.

"Well?" he rumbled through a mouth that barely moved.

I blinked, trying to process his words, then realized he was waiting for me to get off of him. I flushed in horror since I'd clearly just been cuddling a man who ferociously hated my guts and pulled back, swaying dizzily as I scooted toward the open door and put my feet outside.

The world was dark, vibrant, and full of life.

It was as bright as day for me, and I smiled despite myself, all worries gone. I think I may have even giggled a little, I don't know, but what I did know was that I couldn't walk in a straight line or manage to keep my feet under control as I wobbled onto the gravel driveway. 

The moon-bleached white path disappeared into the coming dawn like dissipating cloud. The sun had begun its early rise, painting the sky midnight blue and revealing the silhouettes of the trees as they swayed in the gentle breeze. I shivered when the wind tugged at my long hair and made it swing against my skin. 

Leo and Kyle started pulling bags out of the cab's trunk as I walked down the path with Tiffany following me closely. We went on in silence for a few minutes, cicadas humming all around us like an angry choir.

"Diana should have some snacks ready for us to eat by the time we make it back," Tiffany said, not even stumbling despite the multiple alcoholic drinks she'd downed earlier in the night. I, conversely, tripped over nothing and stumbled like a sloppy, grinning idiot. "I hope she's made us something good... all this walking and shopping has made me hungry again."

"You just ate," Sebastian lowly commented. "You're already hungry again?"

"Yep, I am," she sighed, tossing her perfect hair. "You know me. I'm insatiable."

"Apparently," he snorted. "And you? At what stage of hunger are you?"

I didn't even realize he was talking to me until Tiffany poked my arm. I glanced at her through bleary eyes, but when she pointed backwards, I dizzily turned while I was trying to take a step, and the end result was me losing my balance. I stumbled, once, twice, and started to fall.

Only, right before I could hit the ground, a large hand caught my wrist.

I jerked to a halt, head snapping backwards, and hung suspended at an angle, staring at the stones behind me in sleepy, upside-down confusion. Heat washed through my throbbing arm like electricity as I was slowly pulled upright and firmly set back on my feet.

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