Chapter 166

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Six

Sixteen hours.

It didn't really feel like a lot of time had passed, but after so much mindless work such as cooking, seasoning, shifting, turkey stuffing, and googling for gluten free recipes, everything had pretty much become clockwork. By the time I actually got it in my head to message Nikki and see where she was at, it was well into the evening, roughly nine thirty at night.

Her response to my inquiry, however, had been a little disheartening.

'We had car trouble along the road and broke down, so we won't be there until about three in the morning,' she'd written, sending a picture of her with her parents in the background, talking to a man with a tow truck and a police officer. I'd been a little amazed to see that her mother was a beautiful, plump young woman with soft brown hair, just as curly as her daughter's. 

Explains where she got it from, I'd thought, and had gotten back to work. For most of the day, many of my wolves had been puttering around helping me. 

Horst alone had literally been a godsend. 

Any time I'd needed something he'd been right there to get it for me, allowing me to focus, and he'd even been the one to cut himself so I could prepare actual food that I could eat. It had taken literally everyone off guard but he'd simply given us all a shit-eating grin.

"What?" he'd asked, raising an eyebrow and holding his bloodied hand out over the pan. "Don't want the blood of a half breed? Or is it something else?"

"Thank you, Horst, but be more careful!" I'd scolded, immediately floundering around for a first aid kit and pulling out a bandage. "You've said it yourself that it takes you a lot longer to heal, not even mentioning you're still really young! I appreciate it but seriously, at least prepare some medical stuff beforehand and let us know if you're gonna do this!"

"Yeah, yeah, just eat the damn food and think of me," he'd sneered, rolling his eyes. "Ah, and be sure to tell me when you're making the final turkey, got it? I'll do it again so you can have the whole turkey-stuffing combo! You're having a good thanksgiving, got it Fang-Face?"

Everyone had shared a look but I'd simply sighed, "what am I gonna do with you?"

"Love me, feed me, never leave me!" he'd chuckled.

"Okay, Garfield."

"Hey, you've seen it?!"

"Duh," I'd snorted. "I was a kid when the movie first came out. I saw it playing in theaters."


And after that, we'd gone back to cooking, with him helping me every three seconds.

Kip had long-since returned to his room to putter around on his computer, muttering something about doing his schoolwork online since he apparently wasn't on a scheduled break. Chi was still busy with the guys working on the hams and other side dishes at the guest house, and Rachel was reading a book at the kitchen table, only piping up to give the occasional instruction.

Tiffany and Woody had, admittedly, popped in to check on us about an hour prior, but everyone had immediately become concerned since she'd looked sick.

'Rogar said her sickness is normal,' Woody had signed, smiling warmly. 'The beginning part of the pregnancy always makes the one carrying the child violently ill in this stage. It's because her body is slowly making room for the baby and there are different organs being moved around.'

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