Chapter 80

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Chapter Eighty

I was hiding up in the loft.

Sebastian had called some random maintenance company to come fix the busted front door not long after our agreement to go running later that evening, and I guess his money talked because only an hour later, when Woodrow and Tiffany finally got back, they were greeted by the sight of normal every day human beings working on fixing the damage he'd done during the full moon.

Woody had been horrified until Sebastian had explained everything.

I, on the other hand, had helped Tiffany get her stuff situated in Woody's room.

I hadn't wanted to ask her if she intended on sleeping in his room since she'd seemed out of it. Plus, I could tell that she intended to stay for a while since she'd brought three huge suitcases, a bright pink backpack, and a few other things such as makeup kits and electronics with her. 

I'd left her to her own devices after that and had quickly scuttled up to the safety of the loft.

I'd been getting some odd looks from one of the workers, a tall, brown-haired, grey-eyed guy named Steve who looked to be in his mid fifties. He was definitely old and I could tell it, too, but he also had this thin, angular face that made him look a bit younger than he was. 

I hadn't been oblivious to the way he'd been eyeing me, either... quite the contrary, his stare was so bald and odd that he'd made me highly uncomfortable. Not just because he had this issue with staring at me, but also because he and the other two guys who'd come to work on and replace the door were regular human beings. They knew I was deathly allergic to sunlight because Sebastian had made it very clear that they were not allowed to open the curtains.

He'd explained to them that doing so would harm me.

Ever since, I'd caught Steve looking at me with this weird, intense, and somewhat narrow gaze.

It had given me the creeps, but I'd brushed it off and had started up my PSXL7. At some point, however, I heard Woody and Tiffany walk outside to head somewhere, but I didn't look to see what they were doing. As a result, I didn't see Sebastian coming up the ladder.

I jumped with a startled gasp when he tapped my arm to get my attention.

"Oh, hey!" I wheezed, patting my chest when he snorted. "What's up?"

"Kiki just called me," he grunted, staring at me with a worried glint in his eyes. "I have something I need to take care of down at the night club. The workers here have already been warned about your issues with sunlight and they're from a company I trust. Can you hold down the fort by yourself for a few hours? It sounded important, and considering I still have work to do there..."

"I mean, of course," I said, startled, "but aren't Woody and Tiffany coming back soon? I heard them leaving earlier, and I thought..."

"No, they're bringing more of her things over," he sighed, shaking his head. "I'll discuss that with you later. Things are... happening over at my house right now."

I caught the hint when he made a subtle gesture at the three chatting men examining the door frame and getting their tools set up. I nodded, and he flashed me a wicked grin, licking his teeth. His fingers dusted the mark on my throat before he turned and dropped down the ladder. 

I felt his touch on my skin even after he vanished from my sight.

I watched, dazed, as he reappeared and moved towards the door, pausing to spare a few words to a worker I recalled as introducing himself as Jack.

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