Chapter 153

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three

Someone was groaning.

That, I think, was what woke me up. As my mind grew lucid, slipping out of a dream about something I couldn't remember, all of a sudden I realized that the overwhelming heat of the room was making me actually die.

I shifted, covered in copious amounts of sweat, completely uncomfortable as I wondered if the air conditioning had broken at some point.



Why did he sound like he was in pain?

My eyes snapped open and I flew into a sitting position, suddenly wide awake; I looked down at my man to see that he was unconscious but in obvious pain. His temperature was insanely high, so high I could see ripples of heat distorting the air around him, and my eyes widened.

He looked sick. His face was covered in a sheen of sweat, curly hair plastered down against his skull, and his breathing was coming abnormally fast.

"Babe?!" I whispered, immediately shaking him. "BABE!"

His eyes fluttered open, glazed and not at all lucid; he let out a gasping wheeze and his legs came together, face scrunching as he reached down between them to clutch himself.

"Oh, God..." he whispered, groaning; I followed his hand movements, but my eyes bugged when I realized that his boxers were completely soaked through. It almost looked like he had wet himself, but that was completely impossible, right?

Was he okay?!

"Babe, what the hell is happening to you?" I demanded, and he turned to me with a look of desperation clouding his normally clear gaze. I clutched his arm, but he jerked, back arching, and let out a small holler that made me pull away as if burned. "Baby! Are you okay?!"

The bed creaked as he shifted his weight, shuddering, breathing raggedly.

"Beloved," he wheezed, legs pressing together, fighting to hide his hardness and the wet spot seeping from it right through the cloth of his dark underwear. "Beloved, I... I..."

"What?" I asked. "What's happening? Are you okay?!"

"No," he groaned, carefully sitting up and sliding his legs over the edge of the bed. He rose and to my actual shock the entire back of his boxers were soaked through with fluid. I gaped when more liquid trickled down his legs, fluid that most certainly was not a result of me getting off inside him. I thought hard, trying to figure out what it was, but I couldn't.

It was completely clear and... well, it didn't look entirely natural. It was oddly thick, like lube that had been taken right out of a bottle.

"Aerin," Sebastian wheezed, and I raised my eyes to see that he was panting; his hands shook, face twisting, and he let out a heavy sigh before saying, "listen to me. I might... have to leave the house for a few days. I might... I might have to go. Away from you."

My heart plummeted and I stared at him, suddenly feeling cold.

"Why?" I asked, not able to believe my ears. "Baby... why?"

He shook his head, clutching his stomach with a wince.

"I... I think... I think because of our actions," he whispered, "I am now falling into a rut and this is... quite possibly the worst time to have one. There are too many threats lingering around, too many foreseeable problems, so I will... have to isolate myself."

I gaped at him.

"You mean... you're going into heat like Tiffany did?" I asked slowly, unable to believe it. "No way... the full moon is too soon for something like this! You can't leave! Especially not with everything going on! You just can't!"

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