Chapter 156

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Six


Under the water, but I could breathe.

I drifted in the darkness, floating pleasantly with the current of ocean blue, floating along towards the source of all my warmth. The source of my safety, the source of everything protecting me. I sighed and a stream of bubbles left my lips, disappearing into the dark.

Glowing light.

A figure...? 

No... two.

A plump woman with curly hair and a small balding man. The silhouettes turned as I was pulled up to them, turned and reached out to me, gentle hands caressing my face, my hair, touching me and giving me strength, eyes of the ocean looking into me and filling me with power.

"Beautiful soul," Feng-Feng said in a voice that melted in my ears. "You must believe."

"What?"  I asked, staring at them through tendrils of dark brown hair. "Feng-Feng?"

"A dream is a wish... your heart makes," Anurak hummed, and I stared at his eyes, at the wideness burning his frighteningly dark pupils into me. "No matter how your heart is grieving... if you keep on believing... the dream that you wish will come true."

"Have faith in your heart, la!" Feng-Feng called. "We see all, beautiful child! Follow heart and let it guide you down the path to good happy! It will be unusual, la, but heart will tell all the choices you must make! Listen to your gut, la! Very good, gut feelings are!"

"Feng-Feng?" I asked, confused; they started to grow distant, moving away. "Wait... wait!"

I reached out, floundering in the dark, but the water closed in on me and--

My eyes snapped open with a start, my heart beating a million miles an hour. 

I took deep breaths, trying and failing to slow my breathing. I heard snapping and crackling, the snarls and whines of a werewolf in pain. I turned my head to see that Sebastian was writhing on the floor, bones jerking, shrinking, twisting and snapping and... I glanced at the clock, squinting.

Eight thirty in the morning? I wondered, hair standing on end; I glanced at my fiance in sheer terror as his body jerked and snapped, rolling on the floor. I'd been out all night, which meant that he was presumably shifting back into a human. The full moon was coming to a close.

I rolled out of bed as his fur started to recede, his body already almost human in form.

He rolled, clutching at his groin, curling up and coughing as his snarls turned to groans. 

"Baby?" I murmured, still addled with sleep and the weird dream I'd been having. "Baby, it's okay, you're gonna be okay..."

He coughed, twice more, and looked up at me with frenzied yellow eyes as I stopped before him and carefully leaned down. With a jolt that shocked me and also hurt like fucking hell, he snatched a fistful of my hair and jerked, hard--so hard that it dragged me off balance.

I let out a shriek as I crashed down on top of him, my legs between his, and then he was grinding, holding me tight even as his claws shrank and broke and turned into normal fingers with human fingernails. He cursed, spitting, digging his junk into my belly.

"Beloved," he panted, looking at me with a tortured face. "Fuck me--"

"Babe, stop," I said seriously, trying to get my hair out of his hand. "You're hurting me."

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