Chapter 81

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Chapter Eighty One

Six hours later, the workers were gone, the door had been replaced, and I was scared. 

More than that, though, I was angry, and all I could do was sit alone in the dark on one of the love seats in the living room. Woody and Tiffany hadn't come back. Sebastian hadn't come back. I'd received no texts on my phone, and I hadn't had the heart to text them myself.

I don't know how long I sat there on that couch in the empty cabin, but sometime after my anger cooled off, the full weight of what had just happened smashed me across the head. With everything that had been happening, all of the drama going on, and me being in a new relationship, there had been no time for me to just sit by myself and think, to dwell on what was really, truly happening.

There were strange and unsettling things occurring at every turn. 

Seemingly random vampire attacks... weird incidents with intruders... my boyfriend's nephew somehow being in a household repair business despite his old age. I had been discovered by a normal person, and he wasn't friendly... what would happen if he really did try to expose me?

My thoughts spiraled, making me feel panicked, making my heart thunder in my throat, making my ears ring, making my body prickle.

If I told Sebastian, would he kill Steve? Or would he just be angry that I didn't text him about it instantly? No... he would go the violent route... he would definitely kill him, and that frightened me. I had to think. If he asked me why I hadn't called him or texted him the moment after it happened, I decided I'd tell him the truth and explain that I'd just needed a bit of time to process the situation and let it sink in on my own. 

Unfortunately, that came much harder than I would have expected since I couldn't wrap my head around anything after that. I felt like I was trying to catch my balance but the ground wouldn't stop moving, it kept changing, kept distorting, leaving me teetering precariously with no idea if I was going to fall or get a hold of myself. 

The entire world was strange. 

Life was strange. 

I looked at my shaking hands through blurry eyes, already hyperventilating, right on the cusp of having a nervous breakdown. I couldn't wrap my brain around how my hands, my small, calloused, music-making hands could be seen as being capable of hurting people. I didn't understand how or why people saw me as a frightening person. 

I just couldn't fathom it.

Brooding was getting me nowhere, though, so I forcibly pulled myself out of my turbulent emotions and rose to my feet. Silently sitting around and panicking over the how's and why's wouldn't solve any of my problems. If anything, it would just make them worse, so instead I did the one thing I could think of doing and picked up my phone, opened my contacts, and started scrolling down the list of choices. 

When I saw Tiffany's number I pressed the call button and watched as a holographic video square popped out of the projector, hovering translucently in the air before me. I saw myself in the small screen, ashen-faced and alarmingly easy to read with my frightened emotions covering my features. Wide rabbit's eyes, dilated pupils, furrowed brow, pinched nose...

I looked utterly terrified.

I think I see what Sebastian and Louise mean, I mentally sighed, trying to smooth my features out and failing. I really can't hide how I'm feeling--

My train of thought burst when the screen flashed and Tiffany's face popped up with a brilliant grin. 

"Ohaaaiii!" she cheerfully greeted, waving frantically. "This is the first time you've called me! Are you missing me already, you sweet little cinnamon roll?"

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