Chapter 127

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Author's note: Very small lemon at the end. Not even really a lemon. You've been warned.


Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seven

Thunder rumbled, covering up the sound of my heavy breathing as I stormed down the sidewalk with jittery movements, dragging Tiffany behind me without care or remorse. She seemed, more than anything, shocked and alarmed by my pushiness but I was unrelenting.

"Aerin, slow down!" she protested, but I flat-out ignored her and squeezed her wrist even tighter, pulling her along behind me at a rapid pace; I knew she could pull away at any moment, that if she really wanted to she could stop me from moving forward. "Aerin--"

"Shush," I shakily hissed out, not looking back at her. "I knew this was a bad idea, I knew it and I still did it, I'm a fucking idiot. We need to get back to the hotel, now, and stay inside until the party. Bash texted me and said he bought us some return flight tickets for the eleventh." 

"Hey, hey, calm down, it's gonna be okay!" she tried to soothe, but I finally let go and whipped around to stare at her, face drawn tight with fear and anger. 

"It's not going to be okay," I told her, setting the bags down on the concrete. "Tiff, that guy... I think he had something to do with me becoming a vampire, or at the very least some form of involvement with the month I can't remember."

She went still, staring at me with a strange look. "Are you sure?"

"No, I still can't remember anything, but his eyes were way too fucking familiar," I said seriously, fighting back the wash of goosebumps rising on my arms; she saw them clearly if her nervous glance was any indication. "Tiff... he knew I was from Michigan. He directly asked me if we'd met before because I seemed familiar, and his eyes gave me a very clear, very vibrant, very powerful feeling of 'FUCK NO! RUN! DANGER! DANGER!' and I don't like it!"

"That can't be possible," she told me, shaking her head. "Aerin, he didn't have a werewolf's eyes or smell. Heck, he didn't even smell like a vampire!"

"Then what did he smell like to you?" I asked, and she stared at me blankly. "Human?"

Her mouth worked for a few seconds, but then she went bone white.

"Actually," she said carefully, looking a little frightened herself, "he smelled like... meat. All I got from him was the meat he and the other two guys in there were working with, and I couldn't really smell them, either. Maybe... maybe you're right... fuck, what do we do?"

"We get back to the hotel, fast, get into our rooms, and wait for the others," I said firmly, snagging the bags and taking her hand. "This is just too coincidental with everything else."

She let me pull her again, but I saw a flash above me and looked up just as a raindrop hit my nose. The stars were gone, blotted out by heavy clouds.

"Oh, shit," Tiffany muttered, wincing as we trotted towards the Celeste Bed and Breakfast. "My makeup is gonna be fucked."

"Not if we hurry," I promised, trying to quell my throbbing heart. "Hey, Tiff?"


"Why did Sebastian leave me alone?" I asked, staring straight ahead; I heard silence behind me so I aggravatedly continued, "he's the one who told me he would protect me no matter what, and yet he left me alone in the hotel to go shopping with you for protection. You're pregnant, too, so it hardly seems like a smart idea, you know? What do you think he was he thinking?"

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