Chapter 68

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Chapter Sixty Eight

The cabin's kitchen felt much smaller and darker than I was used to with everyone from the plantation house in it.

I wasn't sure if it was because they just had negative energy or because the mood was just overall completely unpleasant, but whatever it was, I felt more than a little claustrophobic as I sat at the dining room table between Sebastian and Kyle with Jun, Richard, Cassidy, Diana, and Leo all leering at each other.

Even Tiffany decided to show her face, albeit she stayed near Woody. Leo cast bitter glances at the two of them every now and then, not that they seemed to care much. She in particular refused to meet his eyes or acknowledge him at all.

You might be wondering what's going on, so let me explain. 

You see, while Sebastian and I had been playing games up in the loft, he had made a phone call to someone at the house and requested that everyone come up to Woody's cottage so they could discuss what had happened and figure out what to do. 

Everyone had come rushing over within the hour, and while nobody looked very happy about it, Kyle's attitude kept things optimistic. Woody had remained off by himself along the wall, of course, not really being one for social interaction, and everyone else had basically just talked to Sebastian, asking him questions about what was going on and about him claiming me, that sort of thing.

It wasn't until everyone had gotten settled in that he spoke.

"Let's get down to business," he said, waiting until everyone turned to him. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here, so let me begin this with an admission. Aerin is mine. I've laid claim to him and I intend to mate him at a later date."

"Oh, wow! Whoohooo!" Kyle cheered, clapping wildly. "Good for you, Sebastian! Yeah!"

Diana and Cassidy both started clapping and the other guys simply nodded. Jun, on the other hand, didn't look up from the table and simply listened with his hood pulled far over his head. Similarly, Leo didn't really make much eye contact with anyone after he said it.

"Is there an issue?" Richard lowly asked, scarred face wrinkling; putting his leather-clad arm on the table, he leaned forward and eyed me with an intent expression. "Did you call us here to celebrate this with you? Because it sounded urgent on the phone."

"I don't expect you to throw me a celebration of any sort," Sebastian quietly informed him, looking around at everyone with a slightly softer disposition. "I called you all here because word of my coupling with him has gotten out to others of our kind."

"How?" Diana asked, instantly straightening up. "What's happened?" 

"He called a guy named Pippin Oswald to come look at Aerin when he collapsed during a freaky panic attack," Tiffany tentatively explained, but the moment Leo's eyes flashed to her she flinched and cowered closer to Woody, as if trying to hide behind him.

"Pippin Oswald?!" Richard barked, lunging upright. "Bash, what were you thinking?!"

"About Aerin's immediate health," Sebastian flatly countered, shaking his head when the bald wolf aggravatedly scratched at his curly black beard. "He's been having some rather serious issues ever since he struck his head on the ground. We weren't sure what was wrong with him at the time so I made my last resort phone call. Nobody else answered their emergency line."

"Damn," Richard growled. "Fuckin' hell... it ain't good to get involved with that sly little prick."

"Who's this Pippin Oswald guy, Dicky?" Kyle curiously asked. "What's so bad about him?"

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