Chapter 112

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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

Horst and Jak were both waiting for me just inside the front doors, which startled me. I stopped in the main hall and stared at both guys stupidly for about half a minute. Horst's left eyebrow slowly rose up until it all but collided with his hairline.

"Saying a last goodbye?" he asked, tone dry. I sensed amusement lurking beneath his words, however, and I couldn't help but blush.

"Yes," I admitted, shifting my weight. "He's my boyfriend. More than my boyfriend, even. Future husband, probably."

"Try your mate," Jak sourly provided. "He imprinted on you. His love is forever."

I straightened my back and shook my hair out, plastering a smile on my face.

"Well, now that he's gone, I can talk," I said, bouncing excitedly in place, "Bash has done a lot of wonderful things for me lately and given me gifts that can't really be emulated or recreated, but I still want to do something for him and I was sorta wondering if you guys would want to help."

Father and son both looked confused and slightly put off.

"What do you want us to do?" Horst hesitantly asked, slouching. "It better not be weird."

"It's not," I promised, waving my hands. "I'm making him a nineteen forties vintage style leather jacket!"

"A jacket?" Horst asked, puzzled. "Really?"

"Yeah. He's got a thing for the greaser look that he hasn't really let go of and all his current jacket does is remind him of things that make him unhappy. So, I want to make him another leather jacket that's even sturdier, more comfortable, and just as badass as the one he always wears."

"And... how would we help you do that, mon?" Jak slowly inquired. "It sounds like your plan involves sewing or something. I am not steady with my hands--"

"Oh, it definitely involves sewing--but I was hoping you guys could help me with getting the supplies, really," I interrupted, and Jak narrowed his eyes. "I'd like you guys to find a store where you can buy some specific materials."

"We are not paying for this," he growled. "Do not expect--"

"You have the wrong idea," I interrupted, waving my hands again. "Don't worry about paying, I'll be giving you guys the money for the stuff I want. Heck, you can even buy yourselves some stuff while you're out and about. Just don't go overboard, okay? I may have a decent amount of cash saved up, but I'm by no means rich like Sebastian seems to be."

"What are you guys talking about?" a new voice asked, and I peered around the two guys standing in front of me to see Tiffany leaning around the corner with her long blonde hair dangling towards the ground. She was smiling expectantly, and I blinked when Woody's head slowly extended from behind the wall to peer at us curiously.

I grinned and waved at him, both actions which he immediately reciprocated.

"A surprise for Sebastian," I explained, turning my eyes back on the curious woman. "He's been doing so much for me lately that I wanna surprise him when he gets back."

Tiffany gasped, instantly lunging out into the open and prancing over before barreling her way between Jak and Horst to clasp my uninjured hand. They looked at her in irritation, making pretty much the same face at the same time. It almost made me laugh how similar they were.

"That's a totally brilliant idea!" she gushed, leaning down with dark, sparkling eyes and bouncing in place just like I'd been doing. "What do you have in mind?"

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