Chapter 64

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Chapter Sixty Four

Blood. Redness. My hands. The darkness.



I was trapped, my heart pounding, arms dangling above my head in the darkness, fastened against a wall I couldn't see. My breathing came ragged, hair hanging in stringy tendrils that suffocated me. My neck throbbed in agony, my limbs burning as if I were poisoned.

"Help me..." I whispered, writhing in pain. "It hurts... help... Kimmy... Mom... Dad..."

A clank. Metal. Terror filled me and I dug my bare heels into the concrete, my scabbed skin leaving marks from previous attempts at pushing myself away. A void like static suddenly crackled into my brain, saying something that I didn't understand, but my mind went numb.

The dark void trembled, pulsing with the fear spreading through me.

"Pretty boy..."

I heard it, those words, in my head, over and over... and the hands.


They reached out to me, even in the dark I could see them, could feel their reach...

"Help me..."

The shadows deepened, but in them I could see... a face... eyes... blue eyes, wide blue eyes, an open mouth... a face... I knew? What was this? This agony, this anguish, this fear, this panic, why was I hurting so much? Who was that?! Why wasn't he blinking?! WHY WASN'T HE--?!

The voice crackled through my ears, laughing wickedly at my pain.

The word... the realness... the fate.





I... me? No... no, the eyes were dead, staring, never blinking, but why me?! Why me?!


Why murderer?! Why dead?! Why wasn't he blinking?!

"Who are you?!" I cried, flailing towards the wide open eyes. "WHO ARE YOU?!"

Those eyes. I knew those eyes.

I knew them, but I didn't, and I should have.

I should have known them.

Dread flooded through me and I felt some distant part of me waking up, my hazy brain slowly beginning to connect the dots, to put recognition to those wide dead eyes that loomed out at me from the perpetual dark, but just as I was about to fully recognize them...

I wasn't alone.

I felt it, suddenly, that I wasn't alone. Something was with me in this darkness. Something knew... something knew I was remembering and it was angry. I felt it, felt the tug, felt the evil... the hate, it was vile, made me sick.

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