Chapter 62

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Chapter Sixty Two

Being carried like a princess was starting to grow on me.

I swallowed hard as Sebastian carried me down the halls of the huge dance club. For whatever reason, prissy though I may have been for admitting it, his arms genuinely made me feel safe. Being held like this, sheltered and protected, was nice. I relaxed and set my head against his chest as we made it outside, watching out of my peripherals as he carried me towards the car.

He set me down on the passenger's side and smoothed my hair back before flashing around to the driver's side and getting into the convertible. I looked at him through dazed eyes as he keyed the ignition and whipped the car into action.

"So, where are we going now?" I asked, smiling a little as he pulled us back onto the highway.

"Somewhere special," he told me quietly, not meeting my eyes. "Just rest until we get there."

I shrugged and did just that, leaning back with my eyes closed.

However, it didn't take very long for us to get where we were going since he pulled the car to a stop what felt like only a few minutes later. I opened my eyes to see that we were in a secluded area full of trees. A bunch of wooden poles were sticking out of the gravel in front of us.

A path led down and away into the woodsy area.

I glanced at him in confusion, but he was already getting out so I did so as well and shut the door behind me, following him without a word. Only, he suddenly stopped and turned to look at me.

"Close your eyes," he ordered, and I did so without hesitating; I heard a rustle and felt warm air waft across me as he passed, moving behind my back. I felt cloth gently come to rest across my eyes and felt him tying it into place against my hair. "Now, come. But be careful."

"A blindfold?" I asked upon opening my eyes. "Why do I need a blindfold?"

"Trust me," he murmured, grabbing my wrist and gently leading me to who knew where. The weirdest part was that only a month ago I would have been terrified out of my mind. I swallowed hard as I walked, blindly allowing him to lead me wherever it was that he intended to go. 

This is interesting, I told myself, closing my eyes again. It's like a trust exercise... but really, where is he taking me and why do I need a blindfold? 

I had my answer when he stopped because it was then that I heard it.

My hair stood up as I felt him move behind me, and with movements so gentle I barely felt them, the blindfold fell away. The warm night breeze carried the smell of sea salt and the thundering roar of the ocean far below, and directly ahead of me, the city's brilliant lights shone and shimmered, radiating from the skyscrapers and casting a glow into the air like a hazy dome. The distant sounds of traffic and other noises lay beneath the crash of the waves.

The reflection of neon and civilized life danced on the water.

"Wow," I whispered, hooking my hair behind my ear as I ogled the gorgeous nightscape. I basked in the sensations at first, taking a few moments to admire the view from the cliff we were standing on, and then his hands came to rest on my arms, holding me.

"This is the place," he said quietly. "I wanted you to see this view with me."

I looked at the beauty before me and, with my heart pounding, leaned back against him. The moment he caressed my cheek, I relaxed completely and something inside me completely caved in. I started laughing a little before I could stop myself, pressing a hand to my forehead; his fingers twitched on my arms.

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