Chapter 128

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Author's note: There's a a lemon, AKA, descriptive sexual content, in this chapter. Slightly more descriptive than usual, too, so read at your own risk!  It's just how relationships are, and since I don't want to skimp on intimacy to the point where it seems unrealistic, I'm writing out the experiences that draw Bash and Aerin deeper into each other. I don't intend for the this book to become sexual, but this is, in fact, intended for late teens and adults, written by an adult. 

This will probably be the only descriptive chapter, so don't get too used to it, lol! 

I hope you enjoy!


Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight

I fell asleep with my ear against my future husband's massive chest, listening to his heart. I don't remember when, exactly, I zonked out but I do know that our lovemaking had lasted several hours and that I'd been a wobbly, limp, orgasmic mess with limbs the consistency of Jello after eight long passionate rounds with him.

He never seemed to have an end to his stamina, during.

Once our passion had finally come to an end, however, he'd let me lie on top of his much bigger body and had wrapped his powerful arms around me, humming something in a language I didn't understand deep in the center of his sternum while he ran his fingers through my hair.  

I'd lain there, eyes closed, drowning out the thunder and lightning by listening to the rhythmic beat of his heart and his well-timed breathing as he sang me to sleep, showing me that even if there was someone dangerous lurking outside that I was protected, and safe, and loved. 

His voice was normally so husky and rough, but whenever he sang it became scratchy velvet.

Before I was even awake, the blankets that I had swaddled myself in the night before were being torn unceremoniously off my body. I flinched against Sebastian's heat and my eyes flew open, wildly darting around in fear, but a heavy hand clutched me and I felt a soothing caress.

"Shhh..." he quietly hissed out, and I looked up to see my man looking down at me with wild sleep-addled curls sticking out in every direction. "Shhh, it's okay, Beloved. I'm here, but its time to start getting ready for the party."

"Time?" I sleepily croaked, rubbing my eye with the heel of my palm.

"Five in the afternoon," he informed me, and I blinked. "It'll take a few hours for you to get ready, and if you're not opposed, I've already picked two specific outfits that I want you choose from."

"Mm, okay," I mumbled, shifting my legs; I stiffened when I felt that telltale shift below the belt, followed by a rush of wetness that coated my thighs. He raised an eyebrow immediately and a slow, confident, extremely smug smirk graced his lips when I blushed. "I blame you so much."

"Good," he purred, licking his teeth with a mischievous wiggle of his bushy eyebrows. "You look and smell so beautiful covered in me."

So saying, he leaned down and kissed me, rocking me backwards and cupping between my legs, leaning down over me. He stole my breath, hand caressing my thighs, trailing his thick fingers through the aftermath of his lovemaking and spreading it across my skin, between my legs, and pretty much all over my inner and outer groin. I shuddered in equal parts mortification and ecstasy and by the time he stopped I was ready to quiver into a puddle, barring the one he'd just created on the sheets between my legs with his gentle ministrations. 

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