Chapter 152

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two

My butt was, yet again, sore the next time I woke up.

My eyes fluttered open and I sighed, face buried in Sebastian's armpit, legs wrapped around his own. I leaned close to his side and kissed his burning flesh, clean and smelling of soap from the shower we'd both taken after having sex. It had been a wild night for both of us.

For me, taking him the way I had would always be a precious memory. I knew that neither of us would ever truly forget it.

I nuzzled his body, then rubbed myself against his underarm, but he didn't stir. I felt something strange, however, when I touched his skin with my hand and frowned a little. I touched his chest, listening to the sound of his breathing, and then I sat up and looked at him in concern.

His entire body was covered in a sheen of sweat, face slightly discomforted, and he was on literal fire. I felt his arm, then flinched back and blinked as he shifted and let out a hoarse cough. He muttered something, shifting his legs slightly.

I turned and reached for the nightstand my phone was on, snagging it and taking a second to turn it on. I flinched, cringing at the brightness, then blearily squinted at the time. According to the clock, it was only around noon on Friday. The sun was most definitely up.

The full moon is tonight, I realized, startled. He's going to make a full transformation.

I set my phone down and twisted, pushing my hair behind me and gripping his arm.

"Babe," I murmured, shaking him slightly. "Babe, wake up."

"Hn," he grunted, stirring; he winced, shuddering, legs unexpectedly drawing together. "Ugh... fuck..."

"You okay?" I asked, watching as those eyes creaked open; he looked at me, and I frowned since his cheeks seemed oddly flushed. "Babe... what's wrong?"

"Hm?" he asked, then blinked and looked down at himself. I started when he parted his thighs and reached down between his legs, carefully touching himself; his fingers came back wet, which confused me. "Hmm... you did quite a number on me, that's what."

"But we showered before bed," I pointed out, and he nodded, sitting up. He swayed, putting a hand to his head, then froze like a marble statue. I looked at him in concern when goosebumps rose all over his body and his head snapped to look between his legs. I followed his stare to see that the sheets were completely soaked. I gawked at the damp saturation in actual amazement, wondering how it had gotten so wet.

"Um, Babe?" I said, looking down at my groin. "I'm not hung like you, or half as... well, virile."

"You... were turned on more than usual last night," Sebastian said smoothly; however, he instantly got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. "Don't worry, you performed perfectly."

"Are you okay?" I asked. "The full moon is tonight."

"I am fine," he said, then lowly admitted, "but... I am tired. The events of the last few weeks have worn me down and I admit I could use some rest."

"Okay," I said, thinking; an idea suddenly hit me and I grinned. "Want breakfast in bed?"

He gave me a surprised glance, looking at me closely.

"I... would," he acknowledged, giving a slow nod, "but only if you wish to make it."

"Definitely do," I said, scuttling out of bed and trotting over to him. I smacked into his back and wrapped my arms around him in a big hug, and I felt his hands come behind me, rubbing my spine. I kissed his damp skin, then pulled away. "I haven't had time to grieve about anything, but... being with you, I feel supported. I feel... a little okay."

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