Chapter 74

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Author's note: I've decided to add a few more implied moments where some intimacy happens. I've discovered I can use it for comedic effect, but you have my word that I will never go too much into detail. Like, promise. Trying to keep it as wholesome as possible! 

By the way? I love you readers! I really do! Your comments give me actual joy. 

Thank you.


Chapter Seventy Four

Brilliant red hair littered the living room floor of Woody's cottage, and there was a noticeable silence save for the television droning on and on about something I gave zero fucks about. In my mouth was a comb, in one of my hands was a brush, and in the other was a pair of scissors. 

Beside me lay a pair of antique electric hair clippers and a fine-trimming laser-based facial hair remover, a nifty little invention that had been created back in 2043 to get rid of a permanent five o clock shadow problem for men who preferred the clean shaven baby-faced look. 

Not that I needed it for my own face, mind you, since I'd likely been turned before puberty had fully had its way with me, but it definitely worked wonders on my hairy ass legs when I wasn't in the mood for doing some fine, eloquent shaving in a bathtub for an hour or three.

It was a struggle sometimes.

Woody knelt on the floor before me, staring straight into my intensely focused eyes as I worked on trimming and thinning out his facial hair, making sure to keep it separate from his actual hair since defining the difference between the two was shockingly difficult.

"Mmf, dude, you are a hairdresher'sh nightmare," I mumbled past the comb in my teeth, squinting as I plucked yet another very long strand of head-hair out of the beardage I'd been about to cut. "I get why it'sh like shis, but it'sh making my job a bit more difficult."

When he swallowed and his eyes flicked guiltily to the right, I took the comb out of my mouth for a second.

"You're going to look great," I reassured him, and his eyes returned to mine. "I promise. If Tiffany doesn't gush like a fire hydrant at the sight of you I'll be actually surprised..." I suddenly stopped talking and paused as I thought about what I'd just said, then slyly added, "take that little bit of rhetoric any way you want. She seems like the type who would gush in both regards over you."

Woody instantly spluttered, face and nose turning an interesting shade of purple. 

He's such a bean, I mentally chuckled, smirking as he reflexively bunched his shoulders to his ears. I popped the comb back between my teeth, waiting until he'd relaxed to continue trimming his facial hair. 

I cut his beard down to the point where it looked a little more normal, and once it was closer to his skin, I put the scissors away and grabbed the electric clippers. I had him hold his hair back and above his head as I ran the buzzing bristles across his cheek, watching as it scraped his sideburns clean off and sent them falling to the floor in a heap of shiny ginger.

I saw his Adam's apple bob as I worked, bringing it down across the hair on his throat, giving him a thorough clean shave. After that, I had him turn his head and did the same to his other cheek, exposing extremely freckled skin scattered upon an extremely fair, Ivory complexion. Once his cheeks and beneath his neck were smooth, I looked at the thick goatee on his mouth.

I debated heavily for a second.

"Do you want to keep some facial hair?" I asked, hooking a stray strand of my own hair behind my ear when he blinked. "Or do you want to be completely clean shaven? You look good with a goatee, I admit, but if you want to start fresh you can always grow it back later."

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