Chapter 60

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Chapter Sixty

"Ow, fucking, ow!"

"Aerin, please! Would you stop complaining and just – hold – still?" Tiffany huffed, battling against me as she went for her target again, a huge pout plastered on her face, as it had been for the past twenty minutes of agony.

"Then stop pulling – ow, that was on purpose! – on my hair!" I yelled out, slapping her hand away from my hair again.  "AGH!"

"Hold still!" she shouted. "I'm styling it!"

When I tried to smack her fingers away she pinned down my hand – under her knee, for Christ's sake – and finished poking my head with the bobby pins. 

Let me explain. 

The previous night had ended on a very good note. Bash and I had played together like we'd been doing all week, Tiffany had found Woody hiding in his barn with a face as red as his hair but she'd somehow managed to coax him out and they'd spent most of the night talking.

Tiff had basically admitted to his face that she thought he was attractive, and interesting, and that she wasn't ashamed of her feelings and that he shouldn't be either. She'd also made it clear, however, that she intended to hang out with him more often... but that she needed to settle things with Leo first. Not that I blamed her since having a crush for as long as the one she'd had could complicate things if she rushed into a new relationship too soon.

Especially with Leo himself being weirdly jealous over it.

He'd been very shy about it and more than a little flustered, but overall he'd seemed genuinely surprised and over the moon by it. They'd spent pretty much the entire night talking... well, Tiffany did. Woody simply wrote on the board and, after a time, tried teaching her some ASL.

I'd signed off and gone to bed around seven in the morning, and had slept until exactly eight in the evening, when Tiffany had barged into my room like a wildebeest, woken me up, and forced me to take a shower before painstakingly using a blow dryer on my hair.  

Which, my friends, brings us to the present: misery central.

"Finally!" she suddenly cheered, jumping up; as she circled me, admiring her work, I massaged the hand she'd pinned under her knee but stopped when her eyes suddenly narrowed on something above my eye level. She bit her lip before pulling a set of hair bands off her wrist. 

"Oi," I snapped, leaning away. "I thought we were finished!"

"It's not done yet," she muttered, grabbing my left side part and skillfully braiding it into a crown; she did the same with my right side part and neatly tied the braids together in the back before weaving them into one extremely long plait that hung across the chestnut waterfall of immaculately styled hair. "Gotta style it so it moves freely while staying out of your face..."

"Are you done yet?" I deadpanned, wincing when she pulled out the pins she'd used to section my hair and instead placed them into the crown braids to keep them against my head. "Ow!"

"Oh, toughen up," she muttered, poking and prodding. "I have to make sure the braids won't tangle in a messy way while you're dancing."

"And you think this is going to help?" I muttered. "I could have just left it alone like I normally do, you know! I look good enough as it is without having to do all this!"

"You're not wrong," she agreed, patting my cheek, "but you're going on a date with Sebastian, so the least you could do is let me make you look hot for him, you know?"

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