Chapter 51

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Chapter Fifty One

It was like I was dead.

I hung in the dark, unable to move, arms dangling above me, pants around my ankles... blood in my nose, clogging my senses. Hands around my throat. Choking. Strangling.

The laughter.

He was laughing again, laughing at the way he was hurting me, the way I writhed.

Why did I feel like my heart was breaking? Why wasn't I fighting back, why was I crying? His laughter, it was so familiar, as though the sound was calling me, reaching out to me with glowing black arms... and, with a strange yearning, I mentally reached out to the black light. 

I felt a sudden, numb pain bloom in my lower region and flinched so badly that the dark vision faded slightly, swirling in a somewhat half-aware state. The laughter momentarily disappeared and I heard nothing but an odd ringing noise... but what was it...?

Could it have been a voice...?

Was it wind chimes...?

Or water running...?

Metal... shards...?

The sound of iron... bending and shredding... as it was ripped out of... something?

I shivered violently as strange shapes and images began to take place behind my eyes... was that my old bedroom? No... it was a club, a dance club... Dark Light, the one I'd met my boyfriend at... the flashing... the strobes... it was so familiar... but if I wasn't mistaken, that was my sister...

Kimberly... but, not how I remembered her. She looked young... very young. The sight of her dancing under the strobes with her hair let down was odd, since she hated dance clubs. I wanted to reach out and talk to her... to ask her why she was here... but... this wasn't real.

My sister was gone.

The moment I thought it, the room distorted and I saw a blurry figure, swirling like mist.

"Wow..." someone whispered. "He's so handsome..."

I realized only at the last second that my lips were moving, but then the strobes twisted and the world spun as something touched my lips and went down my throat. The air turned dark and the silhouette expanded, shadowy hands reaching out to me, obscuring my vision, drowning me...

"Something the matter, pretty boy? I thought you said I was handsome!"

"SOMEONE!" a distant voice screeched, voice muffled as the world was erased. "HELP ME!"

Red.... my hands, all over my hands, my fingers... 

"What did you do...?" someone whispered in an insubstantial voice. "Oh, my God..."

"Don't forget," another, static-riddled voice hissed into my ear. "I own you now."

Then... the world was gone. Blackness. Infinite shadow stretching on endlessly.

Then red... all over a cracked floor.


Red rivers... white pools... milk?

No, eyes... eyes... those eyes. I knew those eyes! Those were my---

"NO!" I screeched, bolting upright in bed; my hair flew forward and obscured my face, suffocating me in a way that made me panic. I flailed my arms with a wail, hyperventilating and covered in sweat, tearing my hair off my nose and mouth. Clear of it, I wrapped my arms around my stomach and stared at the unfamiliar room, panicking blindly.

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