Chapter 79

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Chapter Seventy Nine

I didn't realize I'd fallen asleep again until I woke up.

The first thing that surprised me was that I actually felt rested--which wasn't exactly a normal thing for me, anymore. The next thing that surprised me was that I was actually incredibly warm, and a lot of the ache in my bones and muscles had faded away.

The last thing that surprised me was the fact that I was lying on the chilly wooden floor of the cabin living room instead of in the bedroom where I'd initially fallen asleep. Sebastian was behind me, lying on his side. My back was nestled into the curve of his very naked, very human body, those massive caramel arms holding me close, sharing a bit of his crazy werewolf body heat with me.

I raised my head, sleepily looking around to see that all of the windows had been shut and the blackout curtains were drawn, wondering why we were back in the living room.

Didn't we fall asleep in my room? I fuzzily wondered, shaking my head in confusion. Why are we lying down out here again?

As I was wondering it, Sebastian's right hand slid from where it had come to rest on my lower belly to my chin, thick fingers stroking my jaw and sending tingles running down my scalp and back. I swallowed hard, mouth and throat drier than they'd been in weeks, and shuddered at the sensations burning me since every touch or movement he made sent a jerk through my hypersensitive skin.

He buried his face in my hair, seeming completely content to lie there naked on the cool wooden floor of the cabin's living room in front of the window leading into the hallway, inhaling my scent all while his thumb rubbed maddening little circles on my neck.

I carefully pushed myself up and rolled over so I was facing him after a moment, disheveled hair sliding across my cheeks as I raised my eyes to his. One massive leg came over me, holding mine between his thighs and keeping me tight against his groin. His eyes were sleepy and languid, but they still regarded me with interest through a fringe of long, chocolate lashes.

He inhaled again, mouth parting, and I saw him lick his teeth.

"You have no idea," he muttered, stroking my tingling cheek, "what it was like to be away from you last night... do you?"

"No," I said honestly, glancing at the front door to see that it was sunny out; it hurt my eyes to look at and I winced, flinching back and immediately snapping my head away. I blinked my stinging and watering eyes rapidly, but Sebastian simply brushed my lips with his thumb.

I jumped when he forcibly tilted my head back and pressed his lips against mine.

His other arm squeezed my back and held me tight against his stomach, and my toes curled as stars of pleasure rocketed through my body. I trembled slightly, every nerve electrified by his actions intermingling with my increased need for blood.

When he pulled away, he was looking at me so gently that my breath was suddenly just... gone.

I had never, not once, seen him make that face. It made my heart pound, made my face heat up, made me... feel.

The softness in his expression was simple and sweet... I recognized that sort of stare.

It was the softness of love, the softness I'd always seen on William's face before he said--

"I love you," Sebastian purred, and my heart skipped a beat or three; without a pause, he leaned down and kissed me again, gently rolling me over on my back and settling down on top of me right there on the floor. He was heavy, but not unbearably so, especially when he situated himself so he could caress my cheeks and throat while he kissed the hell out of me.

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