Chapter 155

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Five

Sebastian was changing and I was beginning to get scared.

I sat on the floor a decent distance away from him as he writhed and thrashed as if possessed, curled into a little ball and watching him seize, whipping his lust everywhere in unabashed splatters as he fought against his bonds. He frothed at the mouth, cursing me, cursing everything, eyes flaming yellow, intentionally trying to break the chains.

Even so pissed off he managed to expose both his painfully swollen manhood and dripping rear, but I kept myself still. I could do nothing but watch over him. To put it bluntly, after the fifth time singing him to sleep, my voice had completely stopped working.

I didn't know why, didn't understand, but for whatever reason singing to him had only increased his attempts to get at me, to molest me, and I won't lie... seeing him like that was frightening. Seeing him so consumed by his desire to force himself on me was... well, I didn't like it.

I knew it wasn't his fault.

I didn't blame him, and I was going to get through it, and we would be fine.

However, the reason I was beginning to get scared wasn't because of how horrible his mindless thrashing and vulgarities towards me had become, it was because hours, and hours, and hours had passed us by and nobody had come down to see if we were okay.

I only knew how much time was passing because I'd discovered a holographic clock on one of the nightstands resting beside the bed closest to the wall in that all-white room. It was currently five in the afternoon on Saturday, the evening of the full moon, and I was in here alone with him.

When we'd first gotten him chained up, it had been roughly around midnight... definitely within the early hours of Saturday morning.

"I'm gonna fuck you, my bitch," he cursed, looking at me with a frightening expression of carnal desire that warped his handsome features. "I'm gonna break you in half, rip your ass wide open and fill your guts up with my nut. You'll be begging for my hole but you won't get it."

I curled up even smaller, hugging myself, the lower half of my face hidden by my knees.

I watched him silently, watched him fume and curse and spit at me and snarl and scream. He thrashed like something right out of the exorcist, back arching, head snapping at an angle as he fought to get free. His face turned purple with exertion, sweat pouring from his steaming skin.

His limbs quivered as he fought, screaming, howling, practically tearing his throat.

I didn't relax until he gave up and collapsed back on the floor, glaring at me like a predator.

He heaved for air, looking like he wanted to kill me.

"I'm gonna break your ass," he seethed, looking at me with a cold sneer that wasn't him; he nodded at his groin, standing at full attention, leaking like a faucet tap. "Come here, bitch. Sit on it. You want this, right? Want my fat--"

"I'll love you no matter what sort of things you say," I whispered into my knees, refusing to so much as blink for fear of breaking eye contact. His face twitched and his nose wrinkled as he stared at me, and again I saw that stirring behind his frenzied gaze-- realization, some trace of the man he really was coming back to the surface.

It quickly clouded over again though.

"Then spread your legs and let me rut you," he sneered, licking his fangs and suggestively rolling his hips. "Since you don't want me pregnant, ride me. Do your duty as my bitch."

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