Chapter 53

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Chapter Fifty Three

I don't know how long Sebastian and I stood there staring at each other, but after what felt like an eternity I somehow switched my brain back on and quickly stalked over to the bed, pulling my pink T-shirt back on and trying not to freak out. I straightened the hemline and patted the fabric once it was on me before glancing up at him through my lashes in dismay.

It was only then that I noticed he had a bag tucked under his arm and a bandage around his wrist. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and took a quick step back when he raised a critical eyebrow at me.

"Why do you smell of sleep sweat?" he demanded. "You knew I was coming over."

"I fell asleep on accident," I murmured; after an awkward second I stepped to the side. "Uh, come in, if you want? Tiff said you needed to talk to me in private so I assume that's why you're here."

He blinked, half-lidded eyes looking very bored, but then he grinned. Yep, you read that right: he grinned and it was slow, cocky, confident, and utterly shocking -- not because it was a smile, of course, but because it made my heart do a flip and palpitate oddly.

My cheeks and ears grew hot, and before I knew it I had to look away. I turned and sat down on the bed while he let himself in, taking deep breaths and pressing a hand over my chest where my heart was beating like a hummingbird's while I waited for the inevitable.

I felt my gut tighten when he sat down on the bed beside me, his heavy weight making me bounce and slide against him involuntarily. After a long moment of being still, he swiveled and those luminous eyes of his fixed on me.

"Listen to me," he murmured. "I came over here because I want to talk to you about your body and the way it works. Primarily about your thirst and why you can't seem to last more than three days without becoming blood starved, as you call it."

I blinked, embarrassment melting away, then looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I mean you're not drinking enough blood to remain healthy," he told me seriously, and I felt a little taken aback by the critical way he stared me down. "You are the same breed of vampire as Jasper, but you are far, far younger. I've been doing a great deal of thinking and I've come to the conclusion that there are two reasons you can't last more than three days without feeding."

"Hold up," I said, raising a hand. "What do you mean? I've only ever been able to hold off for about three days. Isn't that how its supposed to be?"

His left eyebrow rose slightly but he didn't so much as blink when he said, "no, it's not. Jasper, for example, could go without drinking blood for over a month and a half if he really needed to. I believe the reasons for it are simple, however... the first being that you are extremely young and may not have finished developing as far as your basic bodily functions are concerned. The second is that you do not drink blood nearly enough to finish that process. You limit how much you consume."

"Well, yeah," I said, staring at him oddly. "It's not like I could just take blood from huge groups of people using five millimeter needles. Things would have gone seriously wrong if I had been careless."

"There's no need to be careful any further," he grunted, then tilted his neck and tapped it. "I've decided that I'll be stopping by regularly so you can bite me whenever you need to."

Why? Why would you do that? I wondered, but Instead I said, "thanks. What do you have there?"

"This?" Sebastian muttered, turning to the bag. "I asked Tiffany if she had any hair products that would suit you, and she did."

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