Chapter 57

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Chapter Fifty Seven

Over the next few days, my life changed profoundly. It felt like I was walking on air because absolutely nothing felt real.

Why, you might ask?

The answer is simple.

Someone loved me.

I was actually loved and wanted and being treated like it, too, which was new and strange and kind of exciting in a confusing way even though deep down I knew it wasn't really new at all.

I saw Sebastian every other night after my emboldened declaration to Leo, even if it was only for about an hour. Tiffany came with him sometimes, as did Kyle and Diana on occasion, but for the most part Woody's house was actually very lively.

Bash went out of his way to make me bite him and for me those moments were incredibly intimate since he always got a hard-on and made absolutely no effort to hide it. It was awkward, but he seemed right at home despite never pushing the situation any further. As days and nights began to pass, things slowly fell into place and I settled into a stable routine. I found myself actually enjoying the time I spent around Bash during their visits, and I was always running on an emotional high during our gaming sessions.

The two of us had actually become a bit famous on Atlas Chronicles, too, which had initially come as a shock.

Let me explain.

The thing is, when Sebastian and I had finally logged again, both of us had been bombarded with thousands of messages ranging from congratulatory praise, to extreme hate, to downright fangirling.

I'd been confused as fuck until someone had sent me a link to a video on MeTube, the second most popular platform since YouTube's initial destruction.

Ironically, my extremely heated actions on Stinkboy's stream had apparently gone wildly viral and caused his cruel method of humiliation to backfire on him in the worst possible way. He'd supposedly deleted the entire thing after people began hating on him for being a nasty homophobic bully and even a potential real life rapist, but the people who'd been watching his stream at the time had saved copies of it.

Popular players who'd randomly encountered me prior to the overall incident had begun making Little_Vampire1993 video compliations showcasing how well I treated everyone, including my opponents, showing off my upbeat fairness, forgiveness, and kindness, all of which led up to me being the target of Stink's bullying. There were even clips of the first attack in the tavern, followed by clips of the second attack, courtesy of Wildfyre, who'd apologized.

Someone had also put in short little cinematic clips of me being picked up and adorably riding around on Sebastian's broad shoulders, but most of the videos finished off with the clip of me losing my temper and viciously protecting Bash from everyone.

My words, my declaration, my emotions--instead of turning the player community against me, I had actually won them over.

Most players now saw Sebastian and I as an ideal power couple, perfect opposites defying the odds and the rules of the game, and whenever we played together any gamers who saw us went out of their way to hang out or help with his quests.

It was a change for the better and for the first time in a very very long time I genuinely began to feel... happy. Warm, light, and safe, and nearly a week and a half breezed by as a result of it.

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