Chapter 87

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Chapter Eighty Seven

"Are you sure about this?"

"More than sure. Do not doubt yourself."

"Oh, I am, really hardcore doubting... I'm having so many doubts--"

"Silence," Sebastian ordered, cupping my chin and tilting my head back so our eyes could meet; he flashed a soft look my way, soothing my fears almost instantaneously. "You are a beautiful man both inside and out, Aerin... what you're wearing doesn't matter. It suits you."

I swallowed hard, looking around at the old plantation house's long driveway.

The scenery was as beautiful and neat and awe-inspiring as ever, but knowing what was waiting inside those pretty spires and pillars and glass made me anxious. I fiddled with my hands, shifting my weight from foot to foot, and stared at Sebastian's beautiful, oversized home.

"You mean it?" I quietly asked. "You don't think it'll rub them the wrong way?"

"It shouldn't," he grunted. "The boundaries of human society typically do not apply to creatures of the underground."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean," he said a little irritably, "that it is not an uncommon practice for wolves and other races to find love and life with someone of the same gender. Finding the one soul who can make your heart race is special... to ignore it would be a fool's choice. Many humans live unhappy lives attempting to conform to what society dictates, and I cannot help but feel that they are foolish."

"True," I muttered, getting a flashback to the day William had come out to his family. "Very true..."

William's parents had been hardcore Catholics and had very nearly disowned him for being with me. That night, I'd endured being screamed at and cursed out for literal hours. They'd told me to my face that gays would burn and rot in hell, told me that I'd corrupted their son and that my evil wasn't welcome in their home or in their lives. They'd flaunted their rosaries at me, too.

Like, being Gay was contagious or something.

William, much to my shock and theirs, had eventually grown a backbone and bitched them out in a way I hadn't seen before or since. He'd said, in his own words, that he'd been attracted to guys since before he'd even hit puberty and the reason he'd never said anything about it was because he'd known all along that they would react negatively. 

He'd told them that if they wanted to let their religion destroy their relationship with him, he was fine with it. He'd said that he'd choose me over them any day, because at least with me he could be himself and not have to worry about being verbally and emotionally abused.

They'd been so shocked that they hadn't said a word.

To be fair, though, he hadn't given them the chance to say anything and had taken my hand, forcibly dragging me out of his parents' house. I'd been in shock. His family had been in shock. Even he'd been in shock, to some degree, but more than anything... for the entire drive home, I'd been able to tell that he'd been positively fuming, too.

"I'm so, so sorry, Babe," he'd hissed through his teeth. "I knew they were going to react badly, but this was worse than I expected. Fuck them and fuck their religion. Let's just go home."

"Don't say that," I'd immediately soothed, patting his arm. "Give them time to process. People need it to let these sorts of things sink in, anyway. Plus... I'm a Christian myself. I believe in God and I sometimes even read the Bible when I'm too stressed for my own good."

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