Chapter 173

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to ambermoon3105

You guys may not know this but I'm literally a starving artist. As in actually starving, sorta, lol. A lot of my income goes right into my rent, electrical bill, and monthly payments towards the medical bills that aren't covered my insurance. Long story short, I've been going hungry and eating very little these last few months.

After talking with Amber a few days ago, she found out I was not only sick again, but eating peanut butter right out of a jar since that was literally all I had food-wise. In the end, she bought me over a hundred dollars' worth of groceries online and had them shipped to me.

Thank you, Amber. You literally helped me, and I appreciate you. To the rest of you, enjoy the chapter and remember, Wattpad has an amazing reading community and that is precisely why I love you guys. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!


Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three

All good things come to an end, but do you know what sucks about that?

The fact that time really does fly when you're having fun. In what felt like the blink of an eye, our visit was coming to a close and my family time was completely finished. The movies were over, the talking and laughing was over, and now I was valiantly trying to stay awake as Horst and I helped Erika, Nikki, Ralph, and Aggie slowly pack up their belongings.

The satyric werewolf hybrid and my second grandniece had come in together just after the sun had set, leaving Kip at the door. Things had been relatively cheerful between them, and to be honest I was actually amused by Horst's overly helpful behavior towards her.

Erika had begun to make a habit of tugging on one of his long and furry ears when she wanted to get his attention, but strangely, he didn't seem to mind. Sure, he loudly complained and made a fuss about it, but his tail would also flap like crazy, betraying his true feelings.

I couldn't really focus on that though. Didn't have the heart or the energy to feel happy.

I teetered dizzily, folding up clothes with unsteady hands and tucking them neatly away in their respective bags. My eyes wanted to close, even if it was only for a minute, but I forced them to stay open and focused on my task because I had to see them off... I had to keep smiling until they left. I had to make them want to come back.

I had to.

I had... nothing left to fold.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked around, searching for something else to put away through swimming vision, but there was nothing.

They were all holding their luggage and talking amongst themselves, packed up and ready for the long drive back home. I slowly turned and faced forward, staring at the brown suitcase before me.

The only open suitcase.

The suitcase I'd been taking such a long time on, to prolong their stay. The truth was, I honestly didn't want them to go... two days didn't feel nearly long enough for the amount of time we'd already missed out on, but I knew that they had lives beyond me.

I couldn't be selfish and ask them to stay just one more night.

I jumped when a heavy hand suddenly came down on my shoulder, squeezing tightly.

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