Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

"Fucking pussies! Too scared to fight me one on one, huh?!" I screamed into the headset, hunched over and drilling intense little holes into my television screen; I jerked this way and that, fingers flying across the buttons of my controller. "God, I hate little bitches like you!"

"Bitches?" the dickhead I'd accurately dubbed Stink-Face laughed over the virtual sound system that filled my whole living room. "That's funny coming from a girl who plays a male avatar with a female's looks! Why not just be a good little slut and get on your knees already? Hmm?"

"Because I'm a boy in real life, too, asshole!" I snarled; I dodged a swing of his sword and sent a punch into his leather-clad stomach, watching as his character stumbled backwards.

"Ooh, so you're a faggot?" Stink-face mocked. "Nasty!"

Laughter filled the air and on the couch across from me I saw Sebastian raise a disinterested eyebrow out of my peripherals, which I blatantly ignored since I really needed to focus. Still, getting thrown into the thick of things is a confusing and sometimes disorienting experience, so let me go back and explain this confrontation and how I ended up embroiled in it.

You see, after Sebastian had finally stopped trying to dominate me or whatever, again, I'd flopped down on my couch and had turned on Atlas Chronicles. I'd been adventuring with a few friends through the game for the better part of the night, stopping in safe areas when the sun came up and moving along the road when it went down again.

It had been fun and casual up until roughly a few minutes ago.

I'd been on my way through one of the darker and more threatening forests towards an Orcish city called Tucoa when I'd literally been ambushed by four high-level players out of nowhere, WildFyreEz7, Packmule_998, HandenOutLzzzzzz2029, and the same annoying little fucker from the tavern I'd been in a few nights ago, Stink_Wrinkles.

He was doing a damn good job of triggering me with his shit talking and worse they were attacking me all at once, with weapons.

I, as usual, was fighting without one, but doing so against a crowd was far harder than a solo fight which meant that I needed to be careful as fuck, otherwise I was going to die.

"Come 'ere pussy boy," Packmule taunted. "Over here!"

"Shut the fuck up!" I snapped, deflecting another sword-swipe and punching his character in the face; when he stumbled, I mashed the X button just in time to deflect Handen's sword, which came flying at me from behind. I swiveled the camera and skillfully used the break in his defenses to throw a vicious kick at the back of his head, smacking the fucker off balance.

They backed away, regrouping in a line that barred me from moving down the road.

I tapped the button to swap my fighting stance, making sure that I was prepared.

"Stupid faggot," Wildfyre jeered, the youngest sounding of the group. "Just you wait."

"For what?" I taunted, making my character perform the feminine middle finger emote. "For you to try coming at me all at once? Yeah, everyone saw how that went the first time, losers. Why not just back the fuck off my ass and let me get back to what I was doing?"

"You that afraid of taking this D?" Stink-face sniggered, perfirming a rather lewd self grope emote. "Awww, the poor faggot is scared of taking it up the ass! Let's encourage him, boys!"

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