Chapter 122

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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Two

Tiffany caught a cold from the rainy trip to the hotel: just a small one, mainly sniffles and a bit of a cough, but nevertheless she couldn't help but snore softly as she lay next to me in one of the suite's many king-sized beds. I listened to her rattling breath for a long time as I lay there, staring at the dark ceiling through tired eyes, but try as I might I could not fall asleep.

Maybe it was because she'd chosen to crawl into the same bed as me.

Maybe it was because I had slept for most of the plane ride.

Maybe it was because Sebastian still hadn't come back or responded to my texts.

Maybe it was because of my anxiety swirling around the possibility of many things going wrong with this upcoming party, the suspicious and threatening Lydia Antoinette, the elusive Mephostes that Bash spoke so fondly of... and the mysterious invisible apparition.

Maybe it was the threatening things I'd been told, or the vibes I'd been getting.

Maybe it was my engagement ring nearly being snatched off my finger, and then the chills I'd gotten on the plane with Feng-Feng.

To be honest, that was the weirdest part: I couldn't get the plump Asian woman out of my head. Those knowing smiles, the way she'd watched us, as if amused by something... I shook my head and let out a sigh.

I hated myself for being so paranoid. There were supposedly hundreds, if not thousands, of supernatural beings hiding in plain sight all over the world. Even if the woman wasn't a vampire or a werewolf she could have been some other mystery creature.

I wracked my brains, trying to think of any myths that sported beautiful blue eyes that shifted back and forth in hue but nothing really came to mind.

Tiffany suddenly stirred, breathing changing, and I felt her wriggle beneath the covers. I watched as her face twitched before she let out a little groan and slightly curled inward.

"I just remembered I'm pregnaaant," she groaned, eyes slowly sliding open; to my surprise, they were glowing a dim shade of amber. "I want to try some of the champagne soooo bad."

"No," I said, smiling at her; we lay with only a foot between us, staring at each other from our respective pillows. "You already had a lot of food earlier when you called room service."

That much was true since she'd ordered a huge spread of Italian cuisine through room service after we'd changed our clothes and gotten settled in: she'd eaten some wonderful beef burgundy crepes, cornbeef quiche, steaming pork pies, and some other crap I had no name for, but the sleepover-esque air was marred by my somber mood and unwillingness to help her fill the silence.

Now, the two of us were just lazing in the same bed, waiting for our lovers to come back.

"True, but I'm still eating for two now," she told me, and I saw the blanket move as she rubbed her belly. "The baby hasn't even begun forming yet and I can already feel subtle changes taking place in my body. I'm hungrier than usual, and then there's the moodiness and the compulsions, Good Lord."


"Yeah, it's like being addicted to nothing and everything all at once," she sighed, smiling at me through her long and beautiful lashes. "You get hit with a random want and its like you can't control your body. Also, this is gonna sound weird, but I'm super glad we're together right now."

"You mean... in bed?" I asked, rubbing my chilly ankles together when she nodded. "Well, you asked me to, so it's not like its a big deal. Why'd you want to share a bed when there are so many of them, though?"

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