Chapter 55

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Chapter Fifty Five

I was in a good place.

After the miracles that Sebastian had performed, we all sat down to watch two back-to-back Disney movies that I hadn't seen since the year 2016: Brave and Frozen. I had no idea where Bash had gotten either one of them or how he'd known I'd been a heavy lover of Disney films, but my delight upon seeing the perfectly preserved DVDs had been nothing short of explosive.

"Are you serious?!" I'd screeched, screaming and clutching his shirt and shaking it. "YOU SERIOUSLY HAVE SECOND GEN DISNEY MOVIES?! WHAT ARE YOU, A WIZARD OR SOMETHING?"

Everyone aside from Cassidy and Diana had laughed at my off-the-walls exuberance, but then we'd all settled down. Sebastian and I had taken one of the smaller couches since it had provided a better angle to put his feet up. Tiffany and Woody had both sat down on the big couch, and Diana had gotten snuggled up with Cassidy on the third remaining couch.

We'd pressed play and I'd gotten chills since the nostalgic intro for Brave had started, and the entire time I'd watched it I'd been smiling.

Who could blame me? It was magical.

I had a belly full of warm, yummy food and delicious dessert, and now I was watching a movie that I hadn't seen in years, a movie that I'd genuinely loved. I drew my legs up on the couch and set my head in the crook of Sebastian's armpit, relaxing under that warm, half-awake feeling.

I must have been more tired than I'd realized because I didn't even remember falling asleep.

All I knew was that one second there was nothingness, the next I was stirring, completely warm from head to toe and basking in the sensation. I blinked a few times and blearily peered around to see that the movie was still playing, but Cassidy, Tiffany, Diana, and even Woody were gone. 

I faintly made out the sound of morning birds chirping and stifled an exhausted yawn. 

I'd definitely fallen asleep, but couldn't recall when, just that the room had been quiet and warm and had practically soothed me. I started to sit up, fully intending to go to my room and sleep the rest of the day away, but I froze when I felt the odd softness and heat beneath my body. 

It was then that I realized I wasn't lying on the couch.

Sebastian had shifted both of us at some point during the film and had flopped down on his back with his long legs hanging over one edge and his head cradled by the other, as if he were lying down in a stationary hammock. I was curled up on and against his chest with a blanket thrown over me, my head resting comfortably between the crook of his shoulder and cheek. 

I carefully rolled over on top of him and sleepily looked at his relaxed face.

His rugged features were softer in sleep, the lines that made him so fierce almost non-existent. 

He had long eyelashes.

I couldn't help but wonder, again, why he would do all this.

My cheeks went crimson as I burrowed beneath the covers, hand wandering to touch my lips. How was this going to change our relationship? Was it going to change at all? What were Sebastian and I, anyway? What did this bode in terms of the future? What exactly did I feel for him, for that matter? What did he feel for me?

Perhaps Woody was right.

He'd gone above and beyond to give me something that would change my life forever, and it had... it genuinely had. He'd given me a way to feel more normal than I was, a joy from my past that I had missed more than anything... the ability to eat and taste like I once did.

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