Chapter 93

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Chapter Ninety-Three

I was staring off into space, lost in my own head as I sat on one of the grandiose theater room's many couches. It was the first time I had been in here and I had been blown away by how big the television screen was since it covered the entire wall. This was where we would be having our marathon, it seemed, it had already been decided among Tiffany and Horst who were chatting it up.

The two of them were babbling about something I hadn't been paying any attention to.

I was, again, staring off into space, legs together, listening for any sound of Sebastian's return.

I heard nothing. 

I didn't know why, really, but it made me uneasy now that I actually had time to think back to the way he'd been reacting. He'd been angry, beyond enraged, and yet... not a single harsh word, not a single rough touch, he'd kissed me with flaming white eyes and had been gentle.

I'd very rarely seen him mad enough for his eyes to glow that bright.

I sighed, leaning back into the softness of the cushions, slumping.

I just wanted him to come back  and get this drama over with so everyone could go home and I could return to working on my relationship with him. I knew it was a selfish feeling, but I was still shaken from the earlier confrontation even though I was trying more than usual to hide it. 

Wait, you might be wondering, why are you?

The reason was because a kid had been involved: I'd always fought to put on a bold front in front of kids as young as Horst.

I'd done it with my sister all the time when we'd been younger, offering advice and reassurance and trying to seem confident when I'd honestly been just as insecure and frightened and unsure of everything around me.

That feeling of being alone... that was what Sebastian suffered from in the here and now.

Woody, who had been sitting beside me, finally set a hand on my shoulder so I blinked myself back to awareness and turned my head, tiredly glancing at him through my disheveled brown hair. He seemed concerned, thick red brows furrowed and thin pink lips slightly parted. 

"What?" I asked, voice lacking energy. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

Tiffany cast a momentary glance at us and I saw concern flash across her features but Horst was in the middle of explaining something about cars and the way they were built so her attention was soon taken again, even if it was only to not be rude. 

Woodrow raised his hand and signed, 'you smell of sadness... and worry. What is wrong?'

Not wanting to draw further attention from Tiffany, I raised my own hand and squinted before attempting to sign, 'What isn't wrong? Sebastian isn't back yet, there's this whole nightmare with a kid I don't even know being abused by his dad, I feel like an outcast in this house, and I'm having nightmares and flashbacks and a whole bunch of other freaky shit.'

Woody's eyes popped open wider and his mouth dropped, although I couldn't be sure whether his shock was a result of me signing at him or from what I'd said while doing it. He cast a glance at Tiffany, who was yammering on, before turning more towards me.

'It is only for a few days,' he carefully reminded me. 'Once we have the details about what happened with this pack, we're going to compare the attacks and see what's similar and what isn't. The whole point of you being here was so you could eventually explain to everyone what happened."

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