Chapter 85

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Chapter Eighty Five


It hurt to breathe.

My body was broken, my pants torn to pieces, arms dangling in the air above me, my t-shirt shredded, blood trickling in sticky lines from long scratches and rough, chaffing fingers. I felt the hands on me, felt them touching me, and I screamed, hating it, wanting them off. 

I could feel them coming before each caress brushed against me, could feel the pull of those hands, the way they instilled revulsion and fear and hate and rage. The hands swirled in the dark, and out of the shadows loomed two wide, dead, blue eyes.

Eyes... those eyes.

The eyes I knew.

I could feel those eyes on me, manic, full of something familiar but unfamiliar... why couldn't I see the rest of the face? It hit me, in an off sort of way, that I recognized those eyes but I couldn't see the face they belonged to. Those eyes were touching me, hurting me with familiar hands.

Familiar... but not familiar?

But... why?  What was this? Who were these eyes? 

Why did I know them?

Unbearable sadness overcame me, and I wanted to know more than anything.

"Who are you?" I whispered, staring at their gleaming depths. "Why are you doing this to me...?"

A presence filled my brain, suffocating me, and I felt a jolt of fear as someone touched me from behind. The vision faded for a second and my mind almost disappeared, but then my sight slowly cleared back up and I could feel those hands ghosting over me... wait...


What was happening...? There were four hands-- four, not two... another pair was moving on my skin the exact same way, following the same path... but how? Hands within hands? I didn't understand, why were there four? Why could I feel four instead of two?

What the hell was happening? 

Confusion and fear filled my mind as a voice filled with another voice echoed inside me.

"What's the matter, faggot bitch? You stopped crying... finally give in?"

My heart went still and stopped beating as I was electrocuted with shock. I opened my mouth, fully recognizing that voice, but the horror that ripped through my stomach prevented me from speaking. Those eyes, I truly knew them, those eyes... that voice... they belonged to---

"Don't be foolish... you don't want to remember that."

I flailed as the darkness was erased and the hands vanished, replaced by the sensation of grass.

I blinked, suddenly feeling a hell of a lot more lucid and awake. 

I sat up. Looked around. And a wash of intense confusion filled me since I found myself lying in the field of purple flowers, completely naked and bathed entirely in moonlight. 

Pale blueish-gray light made shadows almost nonexistent. I was sitting nestled in the grass beneath a huge tree,  and sitting next to me was Sebastian, wearing his jeans and leather jacket. Beside him was my music box, and his eyes were looking down at me, full of gentle love.

"How did I get here?" I asked. My brow furrowed. "Why am I not in bed? Did the sun go down before I realized it? And, if so, why didn't you take me to the other werewolves?"

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