Chapter 147

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty Seven

Thirty minutes later, we were all out of the artificial cave and sitting in the middle of the Comfort Zone. 

Cassidy and Diana had taken some time to bring back more food and alcohol before getting set up. A table had been pulled out and bolted into four retractable spots in the squishy floor, and everyone who'd decided to take part in the game was sitting in extremely high beanbag chairs.

I never thought in my life that I would be comfortable in such a situation, but here I was: an alcoholic drink in my hand, sitting in Sebastian's lap amidst piles of soft feather pillows in a room filled with people who were drinking and watching a very intense game of Jenga between Kyle, Horst, Jun, Jak, and Leo. Cassidy and Diana were sitting on the couch, watching quietly while Richard walked around the group trying to break their concentration by trash-talking.

Woody and Tiffany were cuddling in a pile of pillows; he was rubbing her belly and she seemed to be half asleep, her back to his chest, visibly lulled. Behind me Sebastian snorted and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"This may be the dumbest thing I've ever watched in my life," he murmured before taking a long drink of his beer.

"It was your idea to let them do it," I reminded him, leaning back. 

We fit together perfectly. Me, delicate and lithe, with my back against his wide chest, my rear against his groin. When he shifted we rubbed in all the right places, and when he nuzzled at my neck with his lips I practically melted into a sensitive puddle, toes curling in ecstasy. Sebastian huffed a laugh against my throat, nosing the soft flesh there before leaving a couple of kisses. 

"Well, it sounded like a good idea at the--"

He stopped when the giant wooden tower fell over with a clatter of pieces.

"JENGA BITCHES!" Horst screamed, excitedly leaping upright and dancing from hoof to cloven hoof. He laughed and leapt around the room, wriggling and flexing in delight. "Fuckin' yeah!"

Cassidy arched and eyebrow and looked at Diana. "I don't think he knows how to play jenga. He didn't win."

"They're too drunk to realize he lost, Honey," Diana giggled, pointing at the unsteady werewolves who were holding cans of alcohol despite the copious amounts of discarded ones lying all around them.

Either way, Horst did a celebration dance around the room as Kyle grumpily stood up and staggered out into the hall, grumbling under his breath about something I couldn't hear. 

"No need to gloat," Leo sourly slurred. "We get it, you won."

"Cause I'm the best!" the hybrid happily squeaked, faun-like tail flitting to and fro while he danced on unsteady hooves, a can of beer sloshing in his right hand. "Whoo! Fuckin' hell yeah! This wolf-goat rules at Jenga! Awoooo! Baaah baaah, bitches! Jenga! Jenga! Odd word, yeah? Jenga. Jen-gah! Jun-geh. Jennnn-geh. Jenga! Haha, fuck!" 

I listened to him sound out the word, over and over again, in different ways with a frown.

"Are you sure letting him drink was a good idea?" I asked, worried by his grin, behavior, and even more by how flushed he was. "He's still very underage."

"His father approved it, illegal though it is by human standards," Sebastian hummed. "I'm sure he'll be fine. He's got the blood of a satyr in him. That's his sixth can and he's still more sober than most of us here."

I guess he had a point since the kid had been chugging them back and still looked weirdly lucid. Right around that moment, Kyle walked back into the room with a different game and Richard cleared the table of scattered Jenga pieces so Kyle could drop the a box on the table. 

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