Epilogue - The Sequel, HORNS, is Now Out

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The air was hot, the ocean was blue with huge waves, the beach house was incredible, and I was lying in bed, on my back, with a journal on my chest and an unused pen in my mouth. I stared at the unfamiliar ceiling, still burning and leaking with the aftermath of hours of wild lovemaking.

My wedding had been perfect, and Hawaii was everything I'd dreamed it would be.

However, even though the sky was dark and I hadn't slept, my body wouldn't turn off. Sebastian snored on his back beside me, an arm flopped off the bed and the other draped over his naked, passion-covered stomach. His manhood lay flopped over one powerful thigh, still leaking, and while normally the sight would have been provocative and extremely arousing for me, my mind was elsewhere. I turned my head and looked at him, at his wide open mouth and loud snores.

A smile tugged at my lips.

Taking the pen out of my mouth, I leaned over and kissed his forehead, giggling when his nose scrunched up as a few strands of my hair tickled his face, snorting loudly in sleep. Deciding to let him sleep, I quietly slipped on one of the robes the hotel offered and snagged my pen and journal, stepping outside onto our private balcony. The slowly brightening deep blue over the horizon signaled the beginning of sunrise, perhaps about an hour and a half away.

Wind rushed through my hair, carrying the smell of salt and palm trees.

I stared off at the horizon, thinking, leaning forward with my elbows on the railing.

It had been six days since our wedding.

Six days, and I still couldn't think of what to write. What to vent or get out. I didn't know how to get those buried feelings out of me, there was so much complexity and emotion there that I didn't know if writing would even do much. I mean, really, where did one even begin?

I put the pen in my mouth and continued nibbling on the plastic, thinking, leaning against the railing with my forearms braced on top. A large group of fins surfaced in the distance, making my brows rise, and then I jumped, biting down hard on the pen.


The sleek animals were playing in the surf, jumping in and out in the far distance, but soon, the group continued on its way. I nearly jumped out of my own skin when I felt strong warm arms encircle me from behind, but I relaxed when Sebastian's heavy chin settled on my shoulder.

"Hi, Baby," I greeted, settling my hands on his arms.

He yawned. "Hello, Kitten. Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I'm having trouble with this whole journal thing," I admitted, glaring at the empty leather-bound book with hostile eyes. "I don't even know where to begin. A lot's happened and it's all tangled together, and I don't really know what to put down. My feelings? Why I feel my feelings?"

"Hn," he grunted, hands sliding into the robe and rubbing my belly, kissing my neck. "Why not do what I do?"

"What would that be?" I asked, genuinely curious. "Care to share with the rest of the class?"

He smirked against my skin, sharp fangs digging into my jugular, just hard enough to sting. I shivered as he pressed his groin against me, legs pinning me to the railing, dominating me as he nibbled and licked and nipped the sensitive parts of my skin.

"Write down everything, even if its from memory," he finally murmured, lips dragging against my ear and catching my lobe. "Write it all down. Even if it doesn't help you feel better about what happened, making a record of your life can help you look back and make better choices in the future. With life being as long as it is for creatures like us, records are, in fact, rather necessary."

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