Chapter 148

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WARNING: BEWARE! There is some seriously disturbing content in this chapter. No spoilers here, but you have been warned! It will either enrage you or make you cry. Trust me.


Chapter One Hundred and Forty Eight

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying.

I slowly sat up, dazed and confused, staring at the wall.

Some hours must have passed since the last time my eyes had popped open because my head hurt a hell of a lot less. Everyone was still sleeping soundly since a quick glance around the dark room revealed that nobody had really moved from their places.

Everything was at it should be, so who was making noise? Who had a baby here? I didn't know what it was, but for some reason, it stirred something in my memory... something important, something I couldn't ignore. Sebastian was by my side and yet... he was calling me? 

Why was he calling me if he was asleep right beside me? 

Who's baby was crying? 

Still half asleep, I rubbed my eyes as a silvery melody full of love filled the air.

It was like I was underwater when the door itself finally opened. A spear of light passed over my dazed face and I saw a dark shape peering through the six-inch crack with eyes deeper than any shadow I had ever seen.

They seemed to suck in all the light and kill it mercilessly, chilling me to the core and making my skin ripple and jerk.

I opened my mouth to scream, but the figure held a very human finger to its lips and a pair of eyes.... kind eyes of ocean blue, rippling eyes that were no longer forged of unforgiving black... smiled at me. Familiar eyes.

Why were those eyes so familiar?

Who was that?

I closed my mouth, heart quieting as the hand's fingers curled in the universal gesture of 'come here.' 

The figure disappeared. 

Slowly sliding off the pillows, I stood up with shaking knees, but when I opened the door and stepped into the hallway the figure was nowhere. I twisted, arms hanging limply as I stared off down the hall just as all of the electrically powered chandeliers went out at the same time. 

I slowly looked up, unafraid, mostly just confused.

"S'dark," I groggily whispered. "Wha's... going on?"

I slowly looked down the stretch of hallway leading to the kitchen where the crying baby was echoing and blinked again, since the mysterious figure was looming near the corner. I opened my mouth to call out to the stranger but they raised a hand and motioned for me to follow, which I did. I swayed past countless closed doors that flickered lile an old movie, stretched farther, came closer, and then warped until I reached the turn. With hesitation born of unfamiliarity, I unsteadily walked down a set of stairs after the shadow, trying to get to the kitchen

I couldn't figure out why I was on the stairs, though, this wasn't the staircase to the kitchen but all I saw at the end was the open door with the table. I couldn't stop walking. I had a feeling I needed to stop, but I couldn't, my body wouldn't respond and I wasn't afraid.

Dressed only in a pink sweatshirt and some white polka-dotted underpants, I walked, hands hanging limply, mind glazed over. The figure was standing near the entrance to the kitchen and it continued to motion for me... continued to beckon me, inside.

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