Chapter 86

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Author's Note: I'm still in the hospital, unfortunately. My health took a weird twist while I was here and I somehow ended up getting sick with a volatile sinus infection that kicked my ass and gave me a fever of a hundred and five degrees. The doctors were freaking out, so I'm in here recovering a few more days on antibiotic. I have bronchitis, too.

Lips are cracked and dry and sore and my nose is chafed raw.

I look and feel like hell, BUT, writing makes me happy and seeing your comments makes me feel better, so here you are! Thank you for reading Sleepsong you lovely people!


Chapter Eighty Six

Horrible noise. There was a horrible noise, and I needed to destroy it. Right after I peed. And got the uncomfortable hot, clammy sweat off my back with a warm shower. I shifted my legs, slowly spiraling up into wakefulness when I felt Sebastian moving slightly.

"Hello?" his rough, sleep-heavy voice answered; I was much too drowsy to listen to the following conversation, but since I couldn't get out of bed to relieve myself I chose instead to roll over and press a soft kiss against his broad, skin-covered chest. He was no longer in wolf form. When it had happened, I didn't know, but his skin flinched beneath my lips and I let out a contented sigh as I skillfully snaked my legs through his and wrapped myself around him like a burrito.

I love waking up like this, I mentally crooned, tucking my cheek against his collarbone and draping my left arm over his side. Feeling him beside me... his warmth... knowing we're together, it makes me so happy...

I felt him shudder as I pressed another kiss against his hot, scalding skin.

"What? No, I don't know what time it is... and no, I didn't know you were worried." 

Who's he talking to? I wondered with a frown, eyes still closed tight; I started listening.

"Ah... so they arrived early, have they?" Sebastian suddenly pulled the phone away from his ear, where I could hear a female voice yelling. He suddenly stiffened against me, and I heard his breathing come to a halt as the yelling persisted. "What did you just say?"

There was silence from the phone, but then... a muffled warble.

Sebastian's stiff body went rigid, then slowly relaxed little by little.

"I see," he said quietly. "Well, while I admit that's some... troublesome... news, I can assure you that there's absolutely nothing you need to be worried about."

Another screechy response.

"Calm yourself, Diana... I understand what you're telling me on both fronts, as well as why, but it was their fault for arriving before our agreed time. Since the sun has already gone down, however, there's nothing stopping us from coming over. We will be there in an hour or two."

I opened my eyes and groggily tilted my head back when Sebastian ended the call and tossed the phone onto the nightstand with a little too much heft. I stared at him with a concerned frown, but when he noticed he gently ran a thumb over my forehead, easing the crease. 

"Diana worries," he said quietly, leaning down and kissing under my eyelids. 

"I can tell," I sleepily mumbled, letting out a yawn. "Speaking of worrying, I need to talk to you about something important that I didn't want to bring up until now..."

His face went slack, sinking into something unreadable as he uttered, "is that so?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, instantly feeling uncomfortable. "It's just... I should have said something way sooner, but I couldn't."

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