Chapter 130

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Chapter One Hundred and Thirty

"So, why did you leave me there if you knew he was going to make his move on me?" I demanded for the third time, fists clenched, face tight. "What if he hadn't tried to pull me out of the party? What if his goal had been to kill me or something? Not even Richard could have stopped him in time! And that's another thing! Dick wasn't even looking at me when it happened! I had to text him while I was being dragged off because he didn't notice! You promised me I'd be safe! You promised!"

With every word Sebastian seemed to shrink into himself, wincing and flinching and hunching and guiltily avoiding my puffy, tear-reddened eyes. He swallowed, shoulders knotted, and after a second he looked up only to stop and slowly lower his eyes again.

I waited with folded arms.

He, Mephostes, and I were several corridors away from the main party area in a plush sitting room with red velvet couches. Lydia Antoinette was standing guard at the door with her hands folded, pretty and pleasant and watchful. 

Her eyes, however, disconcerted me because it looked as if she were waiting for something. 

Or maybe I was just paranoid. Maybe I was going crazy from the anxiety. Maybe I was still envisioning how she'd chucked a piece of paper like a weapon right at my face. The woman's irises flitted to mine and I immediately hugged myself, chills running down my spine.

"It was planned," Sebastian finally said, closing his eyes with a long sigh through his nose. "I knew something was going to happen tonight so I contacted Mephostes in advance. You were not in danger, Aerin. I swear."

"Bash, I was nearly dragged away by a psychopathic shape shifting vampire who used your own godson's face--the freaking host of this whole event--in the middle of his own supposedly high-class party!" I cried, throwing my gloved hands up in exasperation. "After you left me all alone exactly like you promised, multiple times, you wouldn't!"


"No! I was terrified!" I wailed, slamming a fist on my thigh; tears ran down my cheeks, blurring my vision even more, and to my horror I felt the onset of a runny nose. "I don't even want to be at this party right now! I want to be at home with you, safe and happy and living a sweet but domestic sort of life together! Not surrounded by snooty rich people who judge and hate and think they're better than everyone else! This party isn't for me!"

"Ouch... that's a little harsh," Mephostes murmured; earlier, he'd taken off the beautiful wig to reveal more natural-looking curly black hair that frizzed in a wild way around his face, but I was too distraught to notice or care. Something was still just wrong. I could feel it humming in the air like something alive and with every passing second that sensation grew stronger.

"Beloved," Sebastian tried to say, but Mephostes cut him off.

"You're being a little over dramatic, I think," he said, and I stared at him. "The moment that leech put his hands on you, I knew, as did my security. You either don't know what sort of safety measures Sebastian took to have you here or you vastly underestimate the amount of weight his name carries among the underground. You are being very, very rude right now."

"Rude? Excuse me, Sirbut why don't you try saying that after you nearly get abducted in plain fucking sight by a monster three hundred times stronger than you?!" I snarled, practically foaming at the mouth. "You want to see rude, look in the mirror!"

He seemed surprised; after a second he patted his chest and asked, "me? I am rude?"

"Yes!" I snapped, rubbing my stuffed nose. "I agreed to come here even though I knew it could be dangerous and I'm sitting in here with you two even though my gut is still screaming that something is seriously wrong! Within literal minutes of being left alone I was almost dragged away and your reaction is, 'oh, we have security, it's not a big deal' but it is! It fucking is, sir!" 

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