Chapter 111

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Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

Something was bothering her.

I knew something was wrong, she was acting strange around me lately and wouldn't stop looking at me with that odd expression. I swallowed hard and tried to focus on drawing the art commission I'd been hired to make, but my hand wouldn't stop trembling which made using my tablet hard to do. Ever since the previous night, Kimberly had been in a weird mood.

I didn't like it.

She was usually so easy to read.

"Calm down," I mumbled aloud, trying not to fidget despite the fact that my skin was crawling with anxiety. "She's probably just planning your birthday party... after all, its in two days..."

I trailed off, hand falling still since I knew I was getting old. In two days I would turn thirty four, but ever since that time in the hospital with the blood bags... I hadn't aged a single day. It had been fifteen years since I'd woken up as a vampire and I still looked exactly the same as when I was nineteen, just more exhausted under the eyes, gaunter, and a little paler from all the stress.

I was still having trouble adjusting, and on top of that thinking up excuses to tell people why I wasn't really aging was becoming harder. Most importantly, I was beginning to feel like my sister had finally noticed that something was seriously wrong, which was why I was so damn anxious.

I had spent every waking moment since I'd first become a vampire to hide it. I'd changed my clothing style gradually, changed how I smiled and spoke with people to hide my fangs, I rarely made eye contact and looked at the ground when I couldn't get out of talking and I eventually fell into this weirdly shy persona to give my actions validity.

People couldn't know the truth, not with World War Three going on, not with everything happening in between the United States, China, Russia, Korea, and all of their allies. The last thing I needed was soldiers barging into my home and taking me away to get shot.

I swallowed, shuddering at the thought, then looked at the time on my laptop. It was almost midnight, meaning my sister would be home from work soon, but just as I decided to let everything go I heard the sound of a key in the front door's lock and the doorknob turned. I twisted and smiled with my lips shut tight the way I always did around her, waving.

"Welcome back!" I chirped, and to my surprise she smiled at me. 

"Hey, Big Bro!" she greeted, setting down her backpack and cracking her back; she stretched her arms and slinked over to sit beside me on the couch. "Man... whew, I had a rough day AND I was nearly run over by a tank on my way home from work. Riding a bicycle sucks these days."

"A TANK?!" I shrieked, and the world around me flickered violently as something in the back of my head stirred. I realized that this was all wrong, that something wasn't right, but that feeling slowly faded away as I snatched her hand. "KIMMY! What the hell?!"

"I'm fine, really, it was just... unexpected," she laughed, brushing it off. "It was part of a military patrol heading from the air base to the Ford factory in Detroit. Ever since they converted it to make tanks its been a nightmare down there."

Anxiety flooded through me. 

"So I've heard," I muttered. "Everything's being weaponized."

The war, admittedly, was getting bad.

Even in our small town there were men in varying military uniforms occasionally driving through in large groups, even frequenting the bar down the road from my home where I sang part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I rarely left home unless I needed blood or I was hanging out with my boyfriend. We'd been going steady for nearly five years and had a routine.

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