Chapter 105

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Chapter One Hundred and Five

I was sitting at the bar of the Moonies staring at the television screen, chin on my palm.

The bartender was giving me some freaked, wary looks even though she didn't really say anything, and most of the werewolves who'd been sitting there had moved away from me immediately when I'd taken a seat. Everyone in the establishment was looking at me.

Some seemed hostile, most were wary, and not a single person looked unbothered.

I didn't pay them any mind.

I was lost in my own head, wondering about things, wondering about life, wondering about everything and who I was. So many questions about the past were spiraling around in my head, going in circles that I couldn't wrap my brain around.

Off in the corner, on a small stage, two older-looking werewolf guys in cowboy hats and attire were singing an acapella duet of a somewhat bland and depressing country song from the thirties. They didn't sound very good but what they lacked in vocal skill they made up for in smiles and confidence, which made the performance endearing.

I turned my attention to them after a time, watching them sing, watching their smiles.

Their grins made me grin because I understood the feeling.

Singing always made me feel happy enough to smile the way they were doing because it was something I genuinely loved. It always made me feel free, like my voice could go anywhere and could tell the stories of my dreams and inner musings and personal feelings.

And it made me feel, more than anything, that I could connect to people through it.

I hummed along quietly and swayed in my seat, dreamily watching them through half-lidded eyes before casting a glance at Cassidy and Horst, who were taking turns with each other in a double-team effort to beat a very smug-looking Jak at a game I couldn't quite see.

They hadn't succeeded from the looks of their frustrated focus.

I peered around for Sebastian and didn't see him which made my mood sink a little.

It was crazy of me, but I was already missing him and he hadn't even been gone for two hours.

I sighed sadly, setting my head on the table, looking at the splint on my wrist as the necklaces resting on my chest jingled. Hair slid across my face and covered my back like a warm blanket as I kicked my legs back and forth, waiting for him calmly but also very impatiently.

"Are you... okay?"

I blinked at the question and looked up to see the bartender looking at me, brows furrowed.

Her weird fearfulness from earlier was gone... now she simply looked curious.

"Yeah, just waiting for my boyfriend to get back," I admitted, turning my eyes back on my broken wrist and making myself comfortable by pillowing my cheek on my left arm. "The people I came here with tonight are having some much-needed quality time."

"You're..." she hesitated, glossy brown hair rippling around her freckled cheeks as she looked around before leaning close and whispering, "you're a... a vampire, right?"

"Yeah," I conceded, and I heard a few low threatening growls come from my left; I swallowed a little anxiously but didn't look at whoever was doing it. "I know... weird seeing me here, huh?"

"More than a little," she admitted, tentatively stepping closer and setting her hands on the bar counter herself. "How did someone like you end up with a werewolf? I'm pretty sure the only reason nobody's attacked you is because they can smell that you belong to someone."

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